Drillthrough in excel

  • Hello,

    I have an issue when trying to drill through in excel. I have a fact table of employee terminations set up like the following. Each row is a termination.

    Not sure why the image isn't showing up, if you right click and open in new tab it works.

    When I bring the Desired, Undesired, Voluntary, Involuntary and Other measures into a pivot table and try drill into say the Voluntary, I get the detail of the total amount of employees terminated, not just the Voluntary. For example if 6 employees were Voluntary, and 4 were Involuntary, and I drill into the voluntary I don't get the 6 employees, I get all 10 detail rows. I'm hoping I don't have to create a separate measure group for each type of termination. Any Ideas?


  • Have you defined a Drillthrough Action on your cube? If so can you please share the code.

    I'm on LinkedIn

  • Yes I have an action created. Below is how it is set up. I am using ASSP stored procedures to call the detail.

    Target Type: Cells

    Target object: All cells


    [Measures].CurrentMember IS [Measures].[Salary Local - Termination] or

    [Measures].CurrentMember IS [Measures].[Salary USD - Termination] or

    [Measures].CurrentMember IS [Measures].[Termination Count] or

    [Measures].CurrentMember IS [Measures].[Involuntary] or

    [Measures].CurrentMember IS [Measures].[Voluntary] or

    [Measures].CurrentMember IS [Measures].[Other] or

    [Measures].CurrentMember IS [Measures].[Desired] or

    [Measures].CurrentMember IS [Measures].[Undesired]

    Type: Rowset

    Action expression:

    'call ASSP.ExecuteDrillthroughAndFixColumns("'

    + ASSP.GetCustomDrillthroughMDX("

    [$Employee].[Employee ID]

    , [$Employee].[Company Name]

    , [$Employee].[Last Name]

    , [$Employee].[First Name]

    , [$Employee].[Start Date]

    , [$Employee].[Last Day Worked]

    , [$Employee].

    , [$Employee].[Working Title]

    , [$Employee].

    , [$Employee].[Location ID]

    , [$Department].[Department Number]

    , [$Department].[Department Name]

    , [$Employee].[Supervisor]

    , [$Division].[Division Name]

    , [$Measures].[Voluntary]


    + '")'

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