Variable to hold an array of strings

  • How can I use a variable with

    AND NiveauZPT IN ('1','2','2+','3','4','5')

    I would like to edit the strings in one place, at the beginning of a storedprocedure.



    -- FlexUren

    INSERT INTO @T (JAAR, WEEK, AfdelingZPT, FlexUren)


    SELECTDBO.ISOyear(Begindatum) Jaar, datepart(ISO_WEEK,Begindatum) [Week], AfdelingZPT, sum(Hrs) FlexUren

    FROM DRPHrsManual

    WHERE LocatieCode = @IDHuis

    and AfdelingZPT = @IDAfd

    AND DBO.ISOyear(Begindatum) = @Jaar

    AND NiveauZPT IN ('1','2','2+','3','4','5')

    and DienstGroep = 'flexpool'

    GROUP BY DBO.ISOyear(Begindatum), datepart(ISO_WEEK,Begindatum), AfdelingZPT


  • If you want to create a single variable to hold a delimited list of values you want to query for, you can treat that as a table instead of a string value list. An example of a single variable would look like this:

    DECLARE @strList Varchar(255) = '1,2,2+,3,4,5';

    Then, in your query, you can use Jeff Moden's DelimitedSplit8K function to return your delimited list as a table.

    If you aren't familiar with the function, the article is at It is well worth the time you spend to get familiar with it.

    INSERT INTO @T (JAAR, WEEK, AfdelingZPT, FlexUren)


    SELECTDBO.ISOyear(Begindatum) Jaar, datepart(ISO_WEEK,Begindatum) [Week], AfdelingZPT, sum(Hrs) FlexUren

    FROM DRPHrsManual

    WHERE LocatieCode = @IDHuis

    and AfdelingZPT = @IDAfd

    AND DBO.ISOyear(Begindatum) = @Jaar

    AND NiveauZPT IN (select item from dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(@strList, ',')

    and DienstGroep = 'flexpool'

    GROUP BY DBO.ISOyear(Begindatum), datepart(ISO_WEEK,Begindatum), AfdelingZPT


  • Thank you!



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