Missing performance counters for mirrored databases

  • Hello!

    I have an issue that has been perplexing me for a few days now, and I'm hoping somebody can help.

    I have 5 databases on a 2008R2 instance that are mirrored to another 2008R2 instance. The mirroring itself is running just fine; however, we're seeing perfmon counters for only two of the databases.

    Querying sys.dm_os_performance_counters results in counters for just the first two databases, and if I run perfmon on the server and try to add counters for database mirroring, only instances for the first two databases are available to select.

    I broke mirroring on all databases and re-configured it last week, but this did not seem to help. I'm using the same scripts to configure all databases, so I'm completely baffled.

    Does anybody know what might be happening here? I'd very much appreciate any suggestions.

    Thank you kindly!

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