Renaming excel worksheet Doesnt work when published

  • I have a package that creates and excel file and dumps some data in, and then renames the worksheet to the current date using a script task at the end. In order to do so i had to use the The package works just fine locally but fails with the following error when published. I installed Office 2013 on the server hoping it would cure my problem but it didnt ?

    "Update worksheet name: Error: Exception has been thrown by the target of "

  • coreyjbaum (10/14/2014)

    I have a package that creates and excel file and dumps some data in, and then renames the worksheet to the current date using a script task at the end. In order to do so i had to use the The package works just fine locally but fails with the following error when published. I installed Office 2013 on the server hoping it would cure my problem but it didnt ?

    "Update worksheet name: Error: Exception has been thrown by the target of "

    Are you sure that there isn't a bit more to that error message?

    The package may be running in 32-bit mode locally (if you are using SSDT) and 64-bit mode on the server (if you are using SQL Agent to run it). You may like to try running it in 32-bit mode on the server too, in case that helps.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

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