Create Login for Local Windows group on 2008 R2 Cluster

  • Not sure if I should post this in Clustering forum or Security...anyway:

    I have a large number of domain users that need access to SQL Server. I want to manage their permissions without creating logins for each one of them in SQL Server. I am able to create a local windows group and create a corresponding login for that on a standalone SQL Server instance in the test environment. But when I try to do the same on a clustered instance with two nodes, I get an error:

    Windows NT user or group 'CLUSTER_NODE1\SQLAdmins' not found. Check the name again.

    CLUSTER_NODE1 is the machine name of first node in the cluster.

    I have tried to add this login via GUI as well as via TSQL, fails both ways.

    In the GUI, when I try to create the new login, it shows me the local windows group, thats how I select it and it is underlined(so I am assuming that name has been checked), when I click OK, it fails with same error.

    Any thoughts?

    PS. I am trying to avoid creating a new AD group as I don't manage AD and will have no control to manage those groups.

  • whether you refer to the group via a node name or the virtual network name it will not work.

    Windows Server Failover Clusters rely heavily on DNS and Active Directory, you will need to create an AD group and provision any members into this group


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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