Wanted to check good / alive SQL Servers through script.

  • Hi,

    I want to extract the list of good servers where the SQL Server services are running to execute a .SQL file across the list of servers using powershell.

    Somehow the below script does not work.

    Any suggestion, where does it error?

    # Use the below script to only pull out the details of the GOOD servers.

    import-module "SQLPS" -DisableNameChecking

    set-location "C:\PS\check\"

    $servers = get-content "C:\PS\check\list_servertest.txt";


    $collection = $()

    $newset = $servers.Replace("\XYZ1","")

    foreach ($server in $newset)


    $status = @{ "ServerName" = $server; "TimeStamp" = (Get-Date -f s) }

    if (!(Test-Connection $server -Count 1 -ea 0 -Quiet))


    #Server is DOWN

    $status["Results"] = "DOWN"




    #Server is UP

    $status["Results"] = "UP"

    $sqlservices = Get-Service -ComputerName $server | Where-Object {$_.ServiceName -like "MSSQL`$XYZ1"}

    #Write-Host "SQL Services on Server [$($server)]"

    $status += $sqlservices | Select-Object Name, DisplayName, Status


    New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $status -OutVariable serverStatus

    $collection += $serverStatus


    $collection| Out-File -filepath "C:\PS\check\good_servers.txt" -append

    $servers = Get-Content "C:\PS\check\good_servers.txt"

    $filePathOutput = "C:\PS\check\execution_result.txt"


  • Or, perhaps, you could provide us with details of the error so we can help you.

    If you added error handling (see here) then you could supply us with some more details if it is due to an exception.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • Also, what version of PowerShell?

    Earlier versions of Get-Service did not have -ComputerName as a parameter. Version 1.0 certainly didn't.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • Where-Object {$_.ServiceName -like "MSSQL`$XYZ1"

    Unless I am wrong, which is as likely as not, where is the wildcard?


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • $status += $sqlservices | Select-Object Name, DisplayName, Status

    You cannot add two hash tables like this.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • Did you write this script yourself or copy and paste from websites?

    If the former then I recommend that you build up a script line by line, outputting to the console the results of each statement in turn so that you understand where you have got to and why it works or not (clue: Write-Output is very handy here).

    If the latter then I recommend that you are VERY careful to understand what you have downloaded before execution. Many people could add in a malicious line that could ruin your day/current employment. We are all fortunate that most people choose not to behave in that manner. But we do have to cater for the few nastty individuals.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • I guess I helped but you didn't want to share.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • Talking to yourself again Gaz? 😉


  • Gazareth (10/16/2014)

    Talking to yourself again Gaz? 😉


    I couldn't stand the silence!!! :crazy:


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • SQL-DBA-01 (10/9/2014)


    I want to extract the list of good servers where the SQL Server services are running to execute a .SQL file across the list of servers using powershell.

    I will assume you do not know what that script is doing because based on the errors I get when I run it, it is obvious as to why it is errors. You need to learn how to work with hash tables.

    However, I would ditch that script altogether and use WMI to check services as it offers up more information an options.

    function Get-ServiceStatus ([string[]]$server)


    foreach ($s in $server)


    if(Test-Connection $s -Count 2 -Quiet)


    Get-WmiObject win32_Service -Computer $s |

    where {$_.DisplayName -match "SQL Server"} |

    select SystemName, DisplayName, Name, State, Status, StartMode, StartName




    Shawn Melton
    Twitter: @wsmelton
    Blog: wsmelton.github.com
    Github: wsmelton

  • There isn't much wrong with the code actually. You were close. Actually, you need an array of hashtables, one of which needs an array to hold the services. This object, '$services' is defined in the beginning as an empty array, and we just add the properties and values to the empty 'status' hashtable as we find stuff out. It is rather neat. I might copy it myself. By the way, to take a good look at the object you've created, you need ConvertTo-JSON (or my own ConvertTo-PSON or ConvertTo-YAML). I've only included the relevant parts of the routine in the following snippet. I didn't test the rest, but it should be enough to get you up and running again.


    foreach ($server in $newset)


    $status = @{ "ServerName" = $server; "TimeStamp" = (Get-Date -f s) }

    if (!(Test-Connection $server -Count 1 -ea 0 -Quiet))


    #Server is DOWN

    $status.Results = "DOWN"




    #Server is UP

    $status.Results = "UP"

    $status.Services=Get-Service -ComputerName $server |

    Where-Object {$_.ServiceName -like "MSSQL`$*"}|

    Select-Object Name, DisplayName, Status




    Best wishes,
    Phil Factor

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