Urgent help in DataType conversion

  • I have a table which has manufacturing date column but they use the varchar instead of datetime datatype.

    Also that has the null values.

    I need to get the id values which has manufacturing date has greater than 2 yrs from todays date.

    i.e. older than 2012

    i.e. I want to delete all the records which is greater than 2 yr old.

    Manufactured date has date dd/mm/yy format

    DECLARE @Update VARCHAR(10)

    SET @Update = convert(VARCHAR ,DATEADD(YEAR,-2,getdate()),3)

    select @update



    from dbo.TestTable

    WHERE convert (varchar(30),MANUFACTURED_DATE, 1) < @Update

    But I am getting all the dates which has manufacturing dates in 2013 & 2014 also

  • Convert the varchar fields to datetime fields, and then do the comparison.

    You will need to use the style of 3 when you convert the varchar date values.

    Michael L John
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  • ramana3327 (10/7/2014)

    I have a table which has manufacturing date column but they use the varchar instead of datetime datatype.

    You'll need to convert them then compare as the easiest method. Say goodbye to hoping to use indexing here unless you persist a computed column.

    EDIT: Missed the d/m/y instead of m/d/y

    DECLARE @badDate VARCHAR(10)

    SET dateformat dmy

    SET @badDate = '13/02/11'

    --SET @badDate = NULL


    CONVERT( DATETIME, @badDate) AS convertedDate,

    DATEADD( yy, -2, GETDATE()) AS twoYearsAgoToday,


    THEN 1

    ELSE 0

    END AS IsOverTwoYears

    If you want to default nulls, just check that before you do any converts.

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  • Yes,

    I am converting from varchar to datetime

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