Problem on Dynamic Pivot

  • Hi guys!,

    As the tittle says, i´m having some trouble on a dynamic pivot. Let´s cut to the chase.

    First I set the columns i will use

    declare @analista varchar (100)

    declare @loteInicio int

    declare @loteFin int

    declare @Matriz varchar (2)

    set @analista = 'Veronica Villanueva'

    set @loteinicio = 472800

    set @lotefin = 472880

    declare @columnas varchar(max)

    set @columnas = ''

    select @columnas = coalesce(@columnas + '[' + cast(paraid as varchar(12)) + '],', '')

    FROM (

    select distinct


    from lotes a

    join analisis b on a.codigo = b.anaid

    join sample_analysis c on a.lotes = c.lote

    where a.estado_l <> 'aprobado'

    and c.sample_number not like '%R%'

    and a.analista_l = @analista

    and (a.lotes >= @loteInicio or a.lotes <= @loteFin) ) as parid

    set @columnas = left(@columnas,LEN(@columnas)-1)

    print @columnas

    The output is the desired;

    [Br ],[CID ],[CIT ],[Cl ],[Conduc],[COT ],[F ],[Fosfat],[Langue],[Nitrat],[Nitrit],[Ntotal],[Ortof ],[Sulf ],[Sulfat],[SulfDi]

    No problem so far.

    Then i pivot;

    DECLARE @SQLString nvarchar(500);

    set @SQLString = N'

    select *


    (select a.lotes,b.paraid,a.analista_l,c.sample_number

    from lotes a

    join analisis b on a.codigo = b.anaid

    join sample_analysis c on a.lotes = c.lote

    where a.estado_l <> ''aprobado''

    and c.sample_number not like ''%R%''

    and a.analista_l = ''@analista''

    and (a.lotes >= ''@loteInicio''

    or a.lotes <= ''@loteFin'')

    ) as ST




    for paraid in ('+@columnas+')

    ) as PivotTable;'

    set @SQLString = replace(replace(replace(@SQLString,'@analista',@analista),'@loteinicio',@loteinicio),'@lotefin',@lotefin)

    EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLString

    and i get the following error;

    Mens. 105, Level 15, State 1, Line 17

    Unclosed quotation mark after the character string 'O'.

    Mens. 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 17

    Incorrect syntax near 'O'.

    I don´t understan why is giving me this message. I know that is bound to the 'ortof' column i pivoted.


    thanks in advance!!!

  • got it !!!

    COT is a reserved word!!!!!!

  • If you're already using sp_executesql, you should parametrize your query to avoid SQL Injection. You might have a Bobby Tables[/url] in your database.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

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