Data not being released after deletion

  • Hello I've recently kicked off an archiving/Migration project which inserts rows from a source table on database A to an identical destination table on database B. I take some table size statistics using sp_spaceused before and after the each migration and have found that the amount of space that is being released on the source table is significantly lower then the amount of space that is being claimed on the destination.

    For example, the pre-post migration difference between the 'reserved' sp_spaceused value on the source table is 0.64 gb's, on the destination table it's 3.17 gb's

    I should mention that the table contains blob images that are stored in LOB pages.

    I've attached a table schema script and an excel sheet with the outputs from sp_spaceused

  • Maybe the source table is compressed?

    (ps: you didn't add anything in attachment)

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  • No table is not compressed I've just added the attachments 🙂

  • Can anyone help out here?

  • do both databases have same auto-growth settings ?

    is the fill factor of indexes on both tables same ?

  • I've compared the create table scripts and they are exactly the same as well the indexes. My thoughts were that something may be happening around the LOB pages, maybe the image records were not getting deleted or database was not being released

  • Quick thought to rule out some problems, have you checked the logs for error messages or the output of DBCC CHECKDB?


  • -- Update usage

    EXEC sp_spaceused 'dbo.pr_history', @updateusage = N'TRUE'

    -- Check for ghost records

    select * from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(),OBJECT_ID('pr_history'),NULL, NULL, 'DETAILED')

    -- Rebuild the index

    ALTER INDEX [pr_history_PK] ON [dbo].[pr_history] REBUILD

  • Do you delete all data on the destination table before you begin the transfer from the source?

    If you always delete all data I have had a similar problem a few weeks ago as you can see here:

    My problem were pages which weren't deallocated after my delete off all data in the table (heap)...

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