How can I run this query for the current days business?

  • SELECT c.cust_fullname AS Customer, c.cust_membership_id AS Account#, SUM(t.c_amount) AS ChargeTotal

    FROM Transactions AS t

    INNER JOIN Customers AS c ON t.s_ref_num = c.cust_id

    where s_credit_tran_type = 'House Account' and b_cancel = 0

    GROUP BY c.cust_fullname, c.cust_membership_id

    I need this simple query to run automatically every night at 11:30pm, everyday, but only for the Current Day's business. So embedding the time/date wont work here.

    Any tips on how to achieve this?

    My file will output to .CVS format for import into Quickbooks. I'd love to have it import directly INTO Quickbook's, but I am not at that level yet..

    Thanks to anyone who is taking time to help.


  • Does your transaction table have a column that records when the transaction was made?

    If so it should be fairly easy to limit the result set to just the current day.

  • Without knowing how to identify the Current Day's business, I just can help by leaving this article:

    That way you don't need to hardcode the date.

    To transfer directly to quickbooks, you might want to read the following:

    It's the opposite process, but might help. I'm not sure that it will be faster than generating the csv.

    Luis C.
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  • assuming your Transactions table has a column named [TransactionDate], and that date represents the date you are looking for, this query will

    get all transactions from midnight until the second it was run:

    SELECT c.cust_fullname AS Customer,

    c.cust_membership_id AS Account#,

    Sum(t.c_amount) AS ChargeTotal

    FROM Transactions AS t

    INNER JOIN Customers AS c

    ON t.s_ref_num = c.cust_id

    WHERE s_credit_tran_type = 'House Account'

    AND b_cancel = 0

    AND t.[TransactionDate] > = Dateadd(dd, Datediff(dd, 0, Getdate()), 0) --midnight/early this morning.

    GROUP BY c.cust_fullname,



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  • Well the CIO left me this code from their software for the date/time..

    select dbo.dwf_beginofday_for_day(getdate())

    select dbo.dwf_endofday_for_day(getdate())

    But where do I embed?

    Thanks for the replies folks.

  • I am curious about what you need your data to look like when you run your query. Can you provide a sample of what the output needs to look like? Otherwise it just seems like a lot of guessing to be done.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Customer Account# ChargeTotal

    Warehouse, Men's 100054 91.57

    Then I need to push that data into Quickbooks...

    This code worked for today only, as it should...

    SELECT c.cust_fullname AS Customer,

    c.cust_membership_id AS Account#,

    Sum(t.c_amount) AS ChargeTotal

    FROM Transactions AS t

    INNER JOIN Customers AS c

    ON t.s_ref_num = c.cust_id

    WHERE s_credit_tran_type = 'House Account'

    AND b_cancel = 0

    AND t.[dt_when] > = Dateadd(dd, Datediff(dd, 0, Getdate()), 0) --midnight/early this morning.

    GROUP BY c.cust_fullname,


    BUT I feel there is an easier way to do this cause the customer wants this fully automated. They want to wake up every morning have have the previous days House Accounts pushed into QB.

    I hope I am going about this correctly, I dont want to lose this long standing client.

    Again, thanks to all helping...

  • I'm actually shocked there is only Google info on how to push data FROM Quickbook's into SQL but not the other way around.

    Doesn't Intuit understand people use Point of Sale programs for their business and need to push that data INTO QB's???

  • Building on what Lowell already did and the information you provided concerning the start and end of the business day, you can schedule a job to run your export at the end of the business day every day with a query such as this.

    SELECT c.cust_fullname AS Customer,

    c.cust_membership_id AS Account#,

    Sum(t.c_amount) AS ChargeTotal

    FROM Transactions AS t

    INNER JOIN Customers AS c

    ON t.s_ref_num = c.cust_id

    WHERE s_credit_tran_type = 'House Account'

    AND b_cancel = 0

    AND t.[TransactionDate] > = dbo.dwf_beginofday_for_day(getdate()) --midnight/early this morning.

    AND t.[TransactionDate] < = dbo.dwf_endofday_for_day(getdate())

    GROUP BY c.cust_fullname,


    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
    Learn Extended Events

  • Thanks to all it works perfectly.

    Now to learn how to push this data in QB's...

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