How to find Users of a particular table

  • Hi

    Does anyone have or know of any code that I can use to find the users of a particular table in SQL Server 7.0?

    Thanks so much


  • What do you mean? The users that have access to it? The users that created it?

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • The users that are actually using the table. So I guess I mean the user that are actively using the table. I did use sp_who2 and found the user, host and database and that helped define the solution to the issue we had.

    But if you know and t-sql commands to find active users against a particular table, please share.



  • In SQL Server 2000 your only option is a trace.

    Not easy: you would have to set up a trace that captures all T-SQL activity on that table (filter on TextData LIKE %YourTable%) and then process it aftwerwards.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Thanks for the input--I'll be glad when we are off 6.5 and 7

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