Replicated server: Select from MView WITH (NOEXPAND) vs (NOLOCK)

  • Hi, all

    we have very nice MView that worked lighting fast WITH (NOEXPAND) on ServerA against ServerA.db100 and ServerB.db200 tables (thru linked servers).

    Now after replication on ServerR those 2 dbs it very slow but, I noticed that adding with (NOLOCK) restores its speed like on native server. I could not find any explanation to this fact.

    What is going on with NOLOCK ? Is there any theory behind this fact?

    select * from MView with (NOEXPAND) where custID = 100 ---VERY slow ...


    select * from MView with (NOLOCK where custID = 100 ---super fast

    select * from MView with (NOLOCK,NOEXPAND) where custID = 100 ---super fast



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