Repeat Report Header Across Multiple Pages

  • Please bear with me as I try to describe what I'm trying to do and hopefully someone can tell me if what I want is possible and how to accomplish this.

    Given a database containing data for multiple bank branches, I would like to create a daily summary report for each branch showing summaries of all the transactions for each branch on a given day. In the header of each page, I would like to include some information about the branch, such as what city the branch is in, maybe the branch ID, etc. Some branches have many transactions, and thus may span several pages. I want the "branch information" to show at the top of each page containing data from the branch.

    What I have so far is I can get the branch information at the top of the first page for that branch summary, but when the data extends to more than one page for a given branch, I can't get the branch summary to show at the top. I've used a Tablix where the first row contains a rectangle which contains the header information I want to display across multiple pages. The second row of the tablix contains a rectangle with a tablix containing the report details. This second row spans multiple pages when there is enough detail, but I can't get the first row (the header row) to repeat beyond the first page.

    Hopefully what I'm trying to do makes sense...

  • It sounds like Groups might be what you're after. Add a group and set it to group on Branch; there is an option for repeating Group headers on each page.

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