Can not start Enterprise Manager (MMC can not open the selected file)

  • some how I am not able to start enterprise manager on the SQL2000 pc.

    it gives me message that MMC can not open the selected file

    what should I do ?






  • Right mouse on the shortcut for Enterprise Manager, navigate to that folder and see if the MSC file exists or not.

    IF it doesn't exist you will need to re-install.

    IF it DOES exist try the below

    Right-mouse on the shortcut and put MMC.exe then click APPLY|OK and retry.  IF that fails try this...

    C:\WINNT\system32\mmc.exe /s "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\BINN\SQL Server Enterprise Manager.MSC"

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • nope I do not have that file

    if I reinstall what should I select just install Client utility with Enterprise manager only and unchecked rest of it.

    I have a production database on that box I do not want to mess my existing database.

    please be specific.

    I appreciate your help.





  • I would just re-install the client tools then.  IF the EM is missing from the box however, I would wonder who has been doing what to your production box AND what else may be amiss........

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • If you have SQL server installed in other server you can copy the file SQL Server Enterprise Manager.MSC from it to the server you have the problem.

    Daniel (Brazil)

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