Execute Package Task failing even though dtsx package it calls had a failure that was corrected

  • I have an ssis package called 'master scheduler' which has an Execute Package Task that kicks off a child dtsx package.

    The child dtsx package has a sequence container with 3 unique task flows:

    task420 -> task420 retry -> send mail task

    task421 -> task421 retry -> send mail task

    task422 -> task422 retry -> send mail task

    That way if task420 fails first time there is a retry effort. Same goes for task421 and task422.

    Most of the time tasks succeed on first try and sequence container goes green and master schedule proceeds with remainder of control flow.

    But, whenever any of the tasks require a second attempt before succeeding ie. sequence container turns green, the Execute Package task in the master scheduler package fails.

    I need the Execute Package Task not to fail if the sequence container in the child package shows success. What I've tried; set maxErrorCount to 3 on Execute Package Task. How to configure it so Execute Package Task is tolerant of failures in the child package that it kicks off?

    --Quote me

  • Take a look at this blog post: Continue Loop after error - Part II.

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  • Thanks a lot Koen

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