Backup Job in Stored Procedure, issues

  • Dear all

    I'm all new to SQL so I apologize if this question seems trivial to you.

    I have pasted the stored procedure used at my company for backup (it was written by a subcontractor a few years ago). It works sometimes...

    The problem is I suspect when it gets to big databases (i've found 3 about 170GB, and about 35 others between 20mb to 5 GB). It does the backup for the smaller ones but stops when it gets to big ones, but the issue then for me is, the Job gives back "Succeded" in the Logviewer, but it shouldn't 🙁 I have excluded the big Databases for now because I can't risk not having daily backups on a productive system (I've removed the names of these databases from this example)

    Is there a way to set a timer for example that it waits for an aknowledge that the backup succeded?

    Many thanks for help and insights


    USE [master]


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[daily_rotating_backup_simple] Script Date: 07/24/2014 16:18:19 ******/





    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[daily_rotating_backup_simple]

    @path VARCHAR(400), -- path to backup location (w/o db name!!!). Eg. 'x:\backups\simple'

    @databasenamelist as varchar(500) -- list of databases to exclude in this backup eg: 'tempdb,other_db_to_exclude'



    DECLARE @date VARCHAR(100)

    DECLARE @dbname VARCHAR(100)

    DECLARE @bkup VARCHAR(500)

    DECLARE @doscommand VARCHAR(8000)

    DECLARE @mypath VARCHAR(400)

    DECLARE @doscommandreturnvalues VARCHAR(8000)

    DECLARE @recoveryscript VARCHAR(8000)

    DECLARE @recoveryscriptname VARCHAR(200)

    DECLARE @NewLineChar AS CHAR(2) = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)

    --Fill the list passed to the stored procedure into a temp database

    DECLARE @myquery VARCHAR(8000);

    DECLARE @spot int

    DECLARE @mystring varchar(8000)

    --SET @path='\\wntmas\SQLPOOLBACKUP\Simple'

    SET @databasenamelist='tempdb,otherdatabases'

    create table #daily_tempdb_simple (excludeddbname varchar(100))

    while @databasenamelist <> ''


    set @spot = CHARINDEX(',', @databasenamelist)

    if @spot > 0


    set @mystring = left(@databasenamelist, @spot - 1)

    set @databasenamelist = right(@databasenamelist, len(@databasenamelist) - @spot)




    set @mystring = @databasenamelist

    set @databasenamelist = ''


    set @myquery = 'insert into #daily_tempdb_simple values('''+convert(varchar(100), @mystring)+''')'



    --Server Details

    PRINT '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'


    PRINT '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'

    PRINT ''

    --Adding backslash

    IF SUBSTRING(REVERSE(@path),1,1) <> '\'

    SET @path=@path + '\'

    --prepare recovery script

    SET @recoveryscriptname = @path+'myrecovery.sql'

    set @recoveryscript='echo --recovery script for all databases in simple instance > '+@recoveryscriptname

    PRINT ''

    PRINT 'Database Backups Started'

    PRINT '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'

    --Backup Script

    SET @date= CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),112)

    DECLARE bkup_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT NAME FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE name not in (select excludeddbname from #daily_tempdb_simple) and name not like 'ReportServer%' and DATABASEPROPERTYEX(name,'status') = 'ONLINE'

    OPEN bkup_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM bkup_cursor INTO @dbname

    IF @@FETCH_STATUS <> 0

    PRINT 'No database to backup...!!'




    --SET @dbname = replace(CAST(@dbname AS VARCHAR),'-','_')

    --delete oldest backup

    SET @doscommand='EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ''IF EXIST "' +@path+@dbname+'\daily.6" rmdir /Q /S "' +@path+@dbname+'\daily.6"'',no_output'

    PRINT 'delete oldest daily backup'

    PRINT '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^'

    EXEC (@doscommand)

    PRINT @doscommand

    --rotate all other backups

    SET @doscommand='EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ''IF EXIST "' +@path+@dbname+'\daily.5" move "' +@path+@dbname+'\daily.5" "' +@path+@dbname+'\daily.6"'',no_output'

    EXEC (@doscommand)

    PRINT @doscommand

    SET @doscommand='EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ''IF EXIST "' +@path+@dbname+'\daily.4" move "' +@path+@dbname+'\daily.4" "' +@path+@dbname+'\daily.5"'',no_output'

    EXEC (@doscommand)

    PRINT @doscommand

    SET @doscommand='EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ''IF EXIST "' +@path+@dbname+'\daily.3" move "' +@path+@dbname+'\daily.3" "' +@path+@dbname+'\daily.4"'',no_output'

    EXEC (@doscommand)

    PRINT @doscommand

    SET @doscommand='EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ''IF EXIST "' +@path+@dbname+'\daily.2" move "' +@path+@dbname+'\daily.2" "' +@path+@dbname+'\daily.3"'',no_output'

    EXEC (@doscommand)

    PRINT @doscommand

    SET @doscommand='EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ''IF EXIST "' +@path+@dbname+'\daily.1" move "' +@path+@dbname+'\daily.1" "' +@path+@dbname+'\daily.2"'',no_output'

    EXEC (@doscommand)

    PRINT @doscommand

    SET @doscommand='EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ''IF EXIST "' +@path+@dbname+'\daily.0" move "' +@path+@dbname+'\daily.0" "' +@path+@dbname+'\daily.1"'',no_output'

    EXEC (@doscommand)

    PRINT @doscommand

    --create new actual backup directory

    SET @doscommand='EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ''IF NOT EXIST "' +@path+@dbname+'\daily.0" mkdir "' +@path+@dbname+'\daily.0"'',no_output'

    EXEC (@doscommand)

    PRINT @doscommand

    SET @bkup='BACKUP DATABASE ['+@dbname+'] TO DISK = '''+@path+@dbname+'\daily.0\'+@dbname+'.bak'' WITH INIT,COMPRESSION'

    PRINT '************Processing '+@dbname+' Backup... **************'

    EXEC (@bkup)

    PRINT 'Backed up to ' + @path+@dbname+'\daily.0\'+@dbname+'.bak'

    PRINT '********************************************************'

    PRINT ''

    --add a file to every backup set to mark the backupset as ready for recovery

    SET @doscommand='EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell ''IF NOT EXIST "'+@path+@dbname+'\daily.0\'+@dbname+'.ready" echo "'+@path+@dbname+'\daily.0\'+@dbname+'.bak" > "'+@path+@dbname+'\daily.0\'+@dbname+'.ready"'',no_output'

    EXEC (@doscommand)

    --PRINT @doscommand

    --add recovery statement for this db into a file (can then be used to recovery all dbs in one time) but not for system databases!

    if LOWER(@dbname) <> 'master' and LOWER(@dbname) <> 'model' and LOWER(@dbname) <> 'msdb' and LOWER(@dbname) <> 'tempdb'

    set @recoveryscript=@recoveryscript+' && echo RESTORE DATABASE '+@dbname+' >> '+@recoveryscriptname+' && echo FROM DISK = '''''+@path+@dbname+'\daily.0\'+@dbname+'.bak'''' >> '+@recoveryscriptname+' && echo WITH RECOVERY,REPLACE >> '+@recoveryscriptname

    print @recoveryscript

    FETCH NEXT FROM bkup_cursor INTO @dbname


    CLOSE bkup_cursor

    DEALLOCATE bkup_cursor

    SET @doscommand='EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell '''+@recoveryscript+''',no_output'

    print @doscommand

    --print len(@doscommand)

    --EXEC (@doscommand)

    PRINT '============Backup Completed Successfully============'

  • Drop the procedure from your server and go download the SQL Server Backup from Ola Hallengren .

    Shawn Melton
    Twitter: @wsmelton
    Github: wsmelton

  • Hi, thanks for the advice, I know that backupscript already but it looks like to me that you haven't checked out what ours does at all.

    Anyway thanks.

  • metin.albayrak (7/25/2014)

    Hi, thanks for the advice, I know that backupscript already but it looks like to me that you haven't checked out what ours does at all.

    Anyway thanks.

    How can it "look like" I checked your script out or not? I infact read through the whole script intially multiple times, otherwise I would not have made the statement.

    If this is a production system what are you doing for backups while trying to figure out this procedure? If this is production and you are using code written by someone no longer there, I would implement maintenance plans to keep the data backed up for the company. Then while that is running successfully, work on rewriting the procedure in a manner that I understood everything it was doing, especially if I was sole support for the environment.

    There is nothing in that procedure that would cause it to skip any database based on the size of it. The script is not aware of the size of any database, just the name of it. In order to deteremine what might be causing it to "stop" (which I have no clue what you mean by that) would be to include error handling (e.g. try/catch blocks).

    Shawn Melton
    Twitter: @wsmelton
    Github: wsmelton

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