t-sql 2008 join temp table to other table

  • In 2008 t-sql I have the sql listed below where I obtain results by calling a stored procedure [test].[dbo].[sroom]. I am joining the results from calling a stored procedure with an existing table called Transactions. I am joining the 2 tables by the value by the SchoolNumber and the school.

    The problem is that sometimes there is more than one row returned by the stored procedure by the studentNumber. The student number is not a unique key. The problem is that more than one studentNumber data row can be returned by the query below. My problem is that I only want 1 row for each studentnumber.

    I have tried to select top 1 for the sql listed below with no success. Thus can you show me modifed sql listed below where only one row for each unique studentNumber in the temp table called #hResults is joined to the test.dbo.Transactions table? The user does not care what row is returned by studentNumber they just want one row returned.

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#hResults') IS NOT NULL

    DROP table studentNumber

    CREATE TABLE #hResults(

    personID INT,

    studentNumber VARCHAR(15),

    firstName VARCHAR(35),

    middleName VARCHAR(30),

    lastName VARCHAR(40),

    suffix VARCHAR(50),

    fullName VARCHAR(108),

    enrollmentID INT,

    structureID INT,

    grade VARCHAR(4),

    calendarID INT,

    calendarName VARCHAR(30),

    endYear SMALLINT,

    schoolNumber VARCHAR(7),

    schoolName VARCHAR(40),

    courseID INT,

    courseNumber VARCHAR(13),

    courseName VARCHAR(30),

    sectionID INT,

    sectionNumber SMALLINT,

    homeroomSection BIT,

    teacherDisplay VARCHAR(30),

    teacherPersonID INT)

    INSERT #hResults

    EXEC [test].[dbo].[sroom] @endYear, @calendarID, N'C'

    SELECT s.SchoolNumber,


    homeroom.courseNumber ,

    homeroom.sectionNumber AS Section,

    homeroom.teacherDisplay as Teacher,


    replace(StudentLastName,'"','') + ' ' + replace(StudentFirstName,'"','')

    as 'Student Name'


    ,CONVERT(smalldatetime,substring(TransactionPaymentDate,5,4) + '-' +

    substring (TransactionPaymentDate,1,2)+ '-' +

    substring(TransactionPaymentDate,3,2)) as TransactionPaymentDate

    from test.dbo.Transactions f


    test.dbo.Schools s

    on rtrim(ltrim(s.SchoolNumber)) =rtrim(ltrim( f.SchoolNumber))

    LEFT JOIN #hResults homeroom

    ON homeroom.studentNumber = f.StudentNumber

    WHERE rtrim(ltrim(s.SchoolNumber)) = rtrim(ltrim(@SchoolNumber))


    Cast(Right(TransactionPaymentDate,4)+Left(TransactionPaymentDate,4) as


    >= @StartDate


    Cast(Right(TransactionPaymentDate,4)+Left(TransactionPaymentDate,4) as Date)

    <= @EndDate

    group by s.SchoolNumber,







    replace(StudentLastName,'"','') + ' ' +













    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#hResults') IS NOT NULL

    DROP table #hResults

    Thus can you show me modifed sql listed above where only one row for each unique studentNumber in the temp table called #hResults is joined to the test.dbo.Transactions table?

  • Not really sure what you are looking for here since we can't see what you see.

    It would help if you could post the DDL for the tables involved (including index definitions), sample data for the tables (INSERT statements), and the expected results based on the sample data. By seeing what you are working with and what you are expecting in return we can help you get the code you need and have it tested as well.

  • I will give the dat structures next time.

  • the temp table #hResults is returning multiple rows for each student number, and for each student number, you're making use of distinct values of homeroom.courseNumber, sectionNumber, roomName, teacherDisplay, etc...

    Once you choose to get only one row for each student from #hResults, you'll have to choose _which_ courseNumber, sectionNumber, roomName, teacherDisplay etc for each respective and distinct student number in #hResults.

    Is this whats needed?

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