User View

  • I have 2 tables - a user table (TB_USERS) and a user customer table (TB_USER_CUST). I want to select all the users that share the same customer with the logged in user. I created a view that looks like this:

    SELECT user_id, fname, lname, password, phone, email


    WHERE (user_id IN (SELECT user_id FROM dbo.TB_USER_CUST

    WHERE (cust_no IN (SELECT cust_no


    WHERE (user_id = USER))) OR (USER = 'dbo'))) AND (UPPER(domain) <> UPPER('SAMPLE'))

    This works fine. However, the DBA has just implemented groups. So now when a user logs in, they are part of a group and my view no longer works. The problem is the keyword 'USER'.

    Does anyone know how I can fox my view to take into account groups? If I use 'suser()' instead of 'USER', then it contains the domain name as well which won't works.

  • Rog Saber (5/29/2014)

    I have 2 tables - a user table (TB_USERS) and a user customer table (TB_USER_CUST). I want to select all the users that share the same customer with the logged in user. I created a view that looks like this:

    SELECT user_id, fname, lname, password, phone, email


    WHERE (user_id IN (SELECT user_id FROM dbo.TB_USER_CUST

    WHERE (cust_no IN (SELECT cust_no


    WHERE (user_id = USER))) OR (USER = 'dbo'))) AND (UPPER(domain) <> UPPER('SAMPLE'))

    This works fine. However, the DBA has just implemented groups. So now when a user logs in, they are part of a group and my view no longer works. The problem is the keyword 'USER'.

    Does anyone know how I can fox my view to take into account groups? If I use 'suser()' instead of 'USER', then it contains the domain name as well which won't works.

    Not exactly sure what your question is here. Are you trying to find if a user belongs to a group?

    But why in the world are you storing passwords in plain text? Passwords should be encrypted.


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  • I guess I need a definition of a 'user' and a definition for a 'customer' for you are asking us to understand the business logic to see if your query is correct.

    If you need a user name without the domain portion a little string manipulation is all that's called for >

    I just quickly came up with

    select right(system_user,len(system_user)-charindex('\',system_user,1) )

    If this piece doesn't help at least I hope it gives you an idea.


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