Exporting SSRS Report to Excel with formulaes Preserved

  • Hi Team,

    I have a request to develop a report / template. In which I have some columns where user have to populate them after gettting the report in Excel format.


    Manager - Populted from DB column

    Sname - POpulated from DB Column

    TT(Mins) - Populated by the user after receiving ther report in excel format.

    TransportTime - TT/60 ( formulae to be inserted as expression in SSRS )

    My aim is to ensure when the user gets the report the "TransportTime" cell formulae needs to be carried as well. So, that when ever user start populating the TT(MINS) column in excel, the transporttime will get auto populated based on the formuale.

    In SSRS fro TransportTime I have used the expression as " Fields!TT(Mins).Value/60

    Yet the formulae is not transferring across to excel.

    Any advise is highly appreciated.


  • I don't think this is possible with SSRS.

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  • Nope, I don't think you can do anything like this in SSRS (of course I am only using 2005 version). A report is just that a report, you will have to export to Excel or something and then you can copy info into another sheet or something and then create macros or whatever to get what you need. Not sure if an SSIS package would be used to do something like this. But you are using SSRS not SSIS.

  • I did a test and it wasn't easy. I created a new column and added an expression - "=Q2/60"

    You need to have quotes or Reporting Services tries to do the calculation. It does not understand Q2.

    When it exported to Excel, it still had the quotes. I did a find and replace to remove the quotes. Then I used the Fill Handle to copy the expression and it updated all the formulas.

    Also, when it rendered, there were multiple hidden columns, so I had to adjust the letter in the expression.

    It would be easier to do the calculation in an SSRS expression or create the column after exporting.

  • Hmm, that is interesting.... I will have to play with this myself..

  • I am curious what happens to the report once the user enters the information and the calculated column renders? Does this just come back into your database system somehow? It sounds like there is room here to re design and improve this process.


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