SSRS Reports Timeout decrease for Standard Subscriptions

  • Hi,

    I am trying to reduce the SSRS Time out limit as there are number of reports which runs for very long time affecting other SQL jobs in the database. So, we are trying to reduce the time out limit. I tried to decrease the time out in web.config and reportserver.config files. But it doesn't seem to work.

    In web.config, I use >> <httpRuntime executionTimeout="1200" />

    reportserver.config >> <Add Key="DatabaseQueryTimeout" Value="300"/>

    Is there anything I am missing? I am trying to reduce tht time for manual jobs as well as Standard subscriptions.

    I would appreciate if someone can help me in resolving this issue.



  • Connect to the report server using Management Studio, (changing server type to Reporting Services). Right click properties, advanced, System Report Timeout - default is 1800 seconds.

  • Thanks for your reply. Will try and let you know if it works.

  • Hi Andrew,

    I couldn't log on to Reporting Services via SSMS (not sufficient priveleges) to change the systemReportTimeOut. However, I have access to the app server to change the config files - web.config /reportserver.config.

    Just wondering if we could change the settings (systemReportTimeOut) in these files. Please advise and let me know if there is any workaround to change the setting other than change via SSMS.

    Thanks again.


  • You can try change the Report Timeout under Site Settings on the report server, but you need to be a System Administrator under Security.

    Also each individual report can override the default timeout option. For each report, click the dropdown, Manage, Processing Options, Report Timeout.

    Try to obtain the appropriate access through the front end rather than updating the database.

    Check the ReportServer database, in the [dbo].[ConfigurationInfo] table you can find the SystemReportTimeout setting.

    SELECT [ConfigInfoID]



    FROM [ReportServerAG].[dbo].[ConfigurationInfo]

    The report execution history can be found in [dbo].[ExecutionLogStorage], check the TimeProcessing columns for long running reports.

    SELECT TOP 100 *

    FROM [ReportServer].[dbo].[ExecutionLogStorage]

    ORDER BY [TimeProcessing] DESC

    Individual reports might have the ReportTimeout property set, overriding the default, in [dbo].[Catalog]. The property column will contain an XML element called ReportTimeout.

    SELECT *

    FROM [ReportServerAG].[dbo].[Catalog]

    WHERE [Property] like '%ReportTimeout%'

  • Thanks for your help, Andrew. I worked with system adminstrator to change the time from SiteSettings. It works now!!!

    However, have a question - Is this only for Standard Subscriptions? I have set the systemReportTimeOut to 1800 sec (default) and executiontimeout as 2700 sec (45 mins) in web.config file.

    So, the Subscriptions are failing after 30 min (1800 sec) and Manual runs are failing after 45 min (2700 sec). I believe the changes in the config file affects the manual runs and changes in the site settings time out affects the Standard subscriptions. Is this correct ?



  • The web.config "httpRuntime executionTimeout" is only for configuring a HTTP request/session.

    I can see why that would affect manual runs, however the System Report Timeout property should be causing them to fail after 30 mins.

    Check that the individual reports do not have a Report Timeout property set to override the default.

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