Get one record from subquery

  • the table in my subquery has a person in there multiple times becuase its the issue table for items. I am trying to get 1 record that has the strunit on it. The only thing I can join on is the intpersID which is the issued ID in the table. Problem is personnel have assinged multiple strUnits to themselves on differerent records in there. I could care less which strUnit I grab I just want to grab 1.

    Here is my query

    Selectdistinct a.intPersId

    ,mn.strFullname Name


    ,CONVERT(Varchar(10), a.dtSigned, 111) dtSigned

    ,CONVERT(Varchar(10), a.dtnotified, 111) dtNotified

    ,CASE WHEN a.dtSigned IS NOT NULL THEN '0' ELSE datediff(DAY, a.dtNotified, getdate()) END DaysNotified


    fromDrat_AnnualHR a

    LEFT JOIN tblPersonnel mn on mn.intPersonnelId = a.intPersID

    LEFT JOIN (select intIssuedTo, strUnit from Drat_Issued) i on i.intIssuedTo = a.intPersId

    However because a person can have multiple strUnit attached to the sub query record, it returns mutiple records, I just want it to match and return 1 record with the strUnit. tried Top, Order by, Groupby, but nothing seems to work.

    so for a return instead of 1 record it returns 2 or more depending on how many strUnits they have on records.

    intPersId name strSignature dtsigned dtNotified DaysNotified strunit

    101 John Does

  • Sorry hit return accidentally before I could post a result example.

    134 John Doe John Doe.123245 2013/12/16 2013/12/16 0 8AEAA

    134 John Doe John Doe.123245 2013/12/16 2013/12/16 0 PJPT0

    134 John Doe John Doe.123245 2013/12/16 2013/12/16 0 JJTY0

    I only want 1 record to show, but becuase this person has multiple strUNists assinged to them in the Issued table it pulls multiple records.

  • My first question is why are you using a subquery here? This is just another left join.

    Select distinct a.intPersId

    ,mn.strFullname Name


    ,CONVERT(Varchar(10), a.dtSigned, 111) dtSigned

    ,CONVERT(Varchar(10), a.dtnotified, 111) dtNotified

    ,CASE WHEN a.dtSigned IS NOT NULL THEN '0' ELSE datediff(DAY, a.dtNotified, getdate()) END DaysNotified


    from Drat_AnnualHR a

    LEFT JOIN tblPersonnel mn on mn.intPersonnelId = a.intPersID

    LEFT JOIN Drat_Issued i on i.intIssuedTo = a.intPersId

    I am more than happy to help but in order to help we will need a few things:

    1. Sample DDL in the form of CREATE TABLE statements

    2. Sample data in the form of INSERT INTO statements

    3. Expected results based on the sample data

    Please take a few minutes and read the first article in my signature for best practices when posting questions.


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  • First, do you really need the DISTINCT in the select statement?

    Second, try this:

    Select distinct


    ,mn.strFullname Name


    ,CONVERT(Varchar(10), a.dtSigned, 111) dtSigned

    ,CONVERT(Varchar(10), a.dtnotified, 111) dtNotified

    ,CASE WHEN a.dtSigned IS NOT NULL THEN '0' ELSE datediff(DAY, a.dtNotified, getdate()) END DaysNotified



    Drat_AnnualHR a

    LEFT JOIN tblPersonnel mn on

    mn.intPersonnelId = a.intPersID

    OUTER APPLY (select top 1 intIssuedTo, strUnit

    from Drat_Issued di

    where di.intIssuedTo = a.intPersId

    order by strUnit) i;

  • HI, I was only using it to try to get to 1 record, knew it did not work since I was still getting mutiple. Your change works to only get one record. Have to look this up cause I have never seen a Outer apply. thanks for the help.

  • I would probably use APPLY similar to Lynn but here is another approach that should accomplish the same thing.

    Select a.intPersId

    ,mn.strFullname Name


    ,CONVERT(Varchar(10), a.dtSigned, 111) dtSigned

    ,CONVERT(Varchar(10), a.dtnotified, 111) dtNotified

    ,CASE WHEN a.dtSigned IS NOT NULL THEN '0' ELSE datediff(DAY, a.dtNotified, getdate()) END DaysNotified

    , MIN(i.strUnit) --Since you don't care which value you get you could use ANY aggregate function here.

    from Drat_AnnualHR a

    LEFT JOIN tblPersonnel mn on mn.intPersonnelId = a.intPersID

    LEFT JOIN Drat_Issued i on i.intIssuedTo = a.intPersId

    group by a.intPersId



    ,CONVERT(Varchar(10), a.dtSigned, 111)

    ,CONVERT(Varchar(10), a.dtnotified, 111)

    ,CASE WHEN a.dtSigned IS NOT NULL THEN '0' ELSE datediff(DAY, a.dtNotified, getdate()) END


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  • First, glad to help. Second, since you don't need the DISTINCT, drop it from my code.

  • Stubby Bunny (4/3/2014)

    HI, I was only using it to try to get to 1 record, knew it did not work since I was still getting mutiple. Your change works to only get one record. Have to look this up cause I have never seen a Outer apply. thanks for the help.

    Take a look at the links in my signature about APPLY. It is a very cool feature.


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  • Sean,

    thanks for the link to applys, wish I had know about these before could have saved me a lot of headaches. thank you

  • Stubby Bunny (4/3/2014)


    thanks for the link to applys, wish I had know about these before could have saved me a lot of headaches. thank you

    You are quite welcome. Just think of all the headaches you can prevent now. :hehe:


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