MDX Sum Over multi selection in a time dimension

  • Good evening to all.

    I try to have an help it is possibile

    My name is Mauro i am writing from Italy...and i am little new about MDX SSAS 2008 R2.

    I have a SALES Cube that contains a [Measures].[Sales Amount] and a time dimension [Calendar].

    Time dimension CALENDAR is like this :

    DIMENSION [Calendar]


    First level of Hierarchy [Year]

    Second level of hierarchy [Month]

    Third Level of hierarchy [Day]

    I use Excel 2013 to browse SALES Cube.

    I select Calendar Dimension in a multi value mode .

    That is:

    1) I both select Year=2014 Month = 3 Days from 1 to 28 (i want sales amount of 1-28 OF march 2014)


    2) I both select Year=2014 Month = 3 Days from 2 to 29 (i want sales amount of 1-28 OF march 2014

    So i choose different periods in time dimension , and i want to calculate difference of sales between first selection 1) and second selection 2)

    Example: (Sales 2014-3- from 1 to 28 ) - (Sales 2013-3 From 2 to 29)

    I do not know if i did good to use parallel period...

    I tried but i do not what is the best to do that...

    If i drag [Measure].[Sales] it works but i need to calculate a delta from sales of different years , same month , and different range of described before.

    I wrote a calculate member but it calculate very wrong values...:


    (Existing [Calendar].[DataAAAAMMGG].[Month].Members,

    ([Measures].[Sales] - (ParallelPeriod([Calendar].[DataAAAAMMGG].[Year], 1), [Measures].[Sales])))'

    I hope someone help me...

    I am sure someone did something of similar in his own cubes..

    To be clear if Sales Amount of 2014-3- from 1 to 28 = 100.000 euro and Sales Amount of 2013-3- from 2 to 29 = 80.000

    i need to have difference 100.000 - 80.000 = 20.000

    ps. Notice i select multivalues in time dimension and not the same...that is days range different (1-28 and 2-29)

    I hope you can help me thanks.


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