Passing Facet Properties to the ExectuteSQL() Function of Policy Based Mgmt

  • Here's a sample ExecuteSQL statement for a policy based management Check Condition. In this scenario, the Facet is set to "Database"; which will cause it to run the check below once for each database on the sql instance. The facet contains an @Name property for DBName. How do a access that from within the ExecuteSQL function? For example purposes, where I have the @Name value in the script that I want to be replaced with the current database name.


    'SELECT @Name, AS username, AS object, dp.permission_name AS permission

    FROM sys.database_permissions dp

    JOIN sys.sysusers Us

    ON dp.grantee_principal_id = Us.uid

    JOIN sys.sysobjects Obj

    ON dp.major_id =

    WHERE = ''public''




    I've seen this link, which seems to pass Sys.Objects and Sys.Schema info, but can't seem to get DBName info.

  • Looks like the DB_Name() function works here. So that answers it.

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