
  • Hi,

    I am doing replication in my machine. I am getting some prolems

    Problem1)I created the publication but I didn't mention any subscribers, when I tried to delete that publication, I am getting error message showing that I don't have right & that impersonation dbo is not exists.

    Problem2)I am able to create subscriber but I couldn't see the subscription. When I tried to create another it is showing that the subscription already exists but I couldn't able to see that.

    Problem3)In the Merge replication when I update the the changes at the publisher, I couldn't able to see that updates & vice versa.

    If any one face the same issues in the past please provide me the solutions.

    I want to share a screen shot here. Please let me know how can I share that?

  • Hi,

    1.Please verify replication Monitor to know the errors

    2.when ever you are setting up replication, 1. you will create publisher. after this, pls verify the snapshot agent status and logreader agent status. after successful completion of this,

    you go ahead with subscription.

    3.Make sure you have enough privileges before creating the replication, You need to have sysadmin privileges

  • Yes. I have the admin right. Just I created a publication but I am not able to delete that.

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