Allocate Unclassified Payments to Classified Transactions to create Aged Debt Report

  • I Have a Transaction Table that contains both Debits & Credits with the following structure:


    (Account varchar(40),

    Service varchar(40),

    DateCol datetime,

    amount money)

    I need to work out Aged Debt. I have used

    to solve most of the issue but I have a twist as follows :

    •Payments are allocated to oldest balance first. - DONE using SQL from above link

    •If payments are split by service then they are allocated in those exact amounts to each service. - DONE using SQL from above link

    If there is no service description on the payment then the allocation is made proportionally to the outstanding balance per service. - Creating a problem for me.

    I need to do a form of allocation of Payments as per

    but I am in urgent need of help.

    There are too many "no service description" payments transactions & I am finding the allocation of these payments challenging. Any assistance will highly appreciated.

    SQL I am currently using is :

    --start cleanup process

    DECLARE @g DATETIME --just to know how fast this is

    SET @g=GETDATE();

    DROP TABLE #cctemp

    DROP TABLE #ccbal

    DROP TABLE #CCTEMP_original

    DROP TABLE ddtemp

    DECLARE @dDateTime DATETIME = '2013-04-30'

    Use SQL_Example


    (Account varchar(40),

    DocType varchar(40),

    DateCol datetime,

    amount money)

    INSERT INTO @Table1 ( DATEcol,Account,DOCTYPE, Amount)

    (SELECT [TransDate]




    FROM [SQL_Example].[dbo].[Transactions] a,

    [SQL_Example].[dbo].[Service Codes] b

    where a.[Service] = b.[ServiceCode]

    and CONVERT(money,[Amount])>0

    and [TransDate] <= @dDateTime

    group by [AccountNo],b.[ServiceDescription],[TransDate])


    (SELECT [TransDate]




    FROM [SQL_Example].[dbo].[Payments] a,

    [SQL_Example].[dbo].[Service Codes] b

    where a.[Service] = b.[ServiceCode]

    and [TransDate] <= @dDateTime

    group by [AccountNo],b.[ServiceDescription],[TransDate])

    order by [AccountNo],b.[ServiceDescription],[TransDate]

    --first some test data

    CREATE TABLE #CCTEMP_original(memberID varchar(40), ServiceID varchar(40), cashflow money, postdate DATETIME)

    INSERT #CCTEMP_original

    SELECT Account,DocType,amount,DateCol

    FROM @Table1 order by DATEcol;

    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX uci_cctempO ON #CCTEMP_original(memberID,ServiceID,postdate)

    SELECT memberID,


    SUM(CASE WHEN cashflow>0 THEN cashflow ELSE 0 END) AS debit,

    ABS(SUM(CASE WHEN cashflow>0 THEN 0 ELSE cashflow END)) AS credit,

    SUM(cashflow) AS bal

    INTO #ccbal

    FROM #CCTEMP_original

    GROUP BY memberID,ServiceID

    CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX uci_ccb ON #ccbal(memberID,ServiceID)

    SELECT *, CAST(0 AS money) AS runbal

    INTO #cctemp

    FROM #CCTEMP_original

    WHERE EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM #ccbal WHERE #ccbal.memberid=#CCTEMP_original.memberID AND #ccbal.Serviceid=#CCTEMP_original.ServiceID)

    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX uci_cct ON #cctemp(memberid, serviceID, postdate)

    --create a running grouped total of the debits:

    DECLARE @prevMemberID varchar(40)

    SET @prevMemberID=-1;

    DECLARE @prevServiceID varchar(40)

    SET @prevServiceID=-1;

    DECLARE @runbal money

    SET @runbal =0;

    DECLARE @dummy money

    SET @dummy=0;


    SET @runbal=runbal=CASE WHEN @prevmemberID=memberid AND @prevServiceID=serviceid THEN @runbal ELSE 0 END + cashflow,




    FROM #CCTEMP WITH (INDEX(uci_cct),tablockX)

    --create the aging data

    SELECT MemberID, ServiceID, SUM(CashFlow) CashFlow, DATEDIFF(DAY,postDate + 1,@dDateTime)/30*30 DaysAged

    INTO DDtemp

    FROM #cctemp

    GROUP BY MemberID, ServiceID, DATEDIFF(DAY,postDate + 1,@dDateTime)/30*30

    ORDER BY MemberID,ServiceID

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