Error Log File Viewer

  • I've just configured a SQL Server 2012 and when I go to view the SQL Server Error Log through the log file Viewer the interface says No log source. By looking at the startup parameters I see the log file location and can see there are log files. It also lets me look at the log files through the file management system. Why doesn't the Log File Viewer work?

  • By Log File Viewer to you mean the "Management - SQL Server Logs" folder in SQL Server Management Studio?

  • Yes - Exactly. It shows me SQL Server, SQL Server Agent, Database Mail and Windows NT Logs. Every thing is showing me error log information except for the SQL Server.

    I've attached a screen print. It just seems like I configured something wrong but I can't figure it out.

  • Strange. Are you connected as sa or a member of the sysadmins group? I believe that's a requirement to view the SQL Logs...

  • My domain user is part of the Domain Admins which has sysadmin access. I've also just added my individual domain account and provided sysadmin role explicitly. I shut down SSMS and reopened the interface and still no luck. The location of the log file is a very convoluted and long name is it possible the viewer has a limit on the path name? Here it is I just change the name of the server


    This was caused by me attempting to use powershell to install and making a mistake on one of the parameters.

  • I fixed it by moving my error files to a new file location. Updating the startup parameters to the new location and doing a restart. Now all of the log files are visible through the log file viewer but I'm not convinced it was just the path. I had double checked and actually copied and past the path from the startup command into the file diretory and it seemed correct but simply doing a restart didn't help I had to actually move the file and restart for it to be viewed. ???

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