Populate object hierarchy in an additional column

  • Hi,

    In my database I have a table "ObjectHierarchy" having following columns.

    ObjectID [Primary Key]


    ParentObjectID [ObjectID from the same table]

    Now in this table what I want it to have an ObjectPath column that will show the hierarchy of a particular object.

    For egample

    ObjectID ObjectName ParentObjectID ObjectPath

    1 AAA -1

    2 BBB -1

    3 CCC 1 AAA

    4 DDD 3 AAA/CCC


    6 FFF 2 BBB

    ObjectPath column should contain the path of the object but not the actual objectname. I want to add a fucntion so that when I run the query

    ALTER TABLE ObjectHierarchy

    ADD ObjectPath AS FN_ObjectPath(ObjectID)

    this will add a column with the respective object path. How that function should be?



  • This blog post explains the concept on how you can achieve this using a recursive CTE:

    Using recursive CTE for a hierarchical relationship[/url]

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