Multi Parameter DB2 query for oledb dataset in SSRS.

  • I am trying to execute a DB2 query in a SSRS dataset using the oledb data provider. I have written the query as where parameter values are replaced by :


    Count(*) RecordCount


    WHERE (M.DXMTSTG = 0 or M.DXMTSTG is NULL) and (M.ABILSYS = 'STG' or M.ABILSYS = 'WHOLESALE') and (M.EFDATE8 <= Replace(Cast((date(?) + 30 days) as Char(10)), '-', ''))

    AND CRDT <= ?

    where '?' are to be replaced by the parameter values.

    I have also tried writing this query as an expression, but it gives some error messages which does not imply the error clearly.

    Th expression I have written is below, but it is somewhere wrong.

    = "SELECT Count(*) RecordCount FROM HBIDATA.DTAMTH M WHERE (M.DXMTSTG = 0 or M.DXMTSTG is NULL) and (M.ABILSYS = 'STG' or M.ABILSYS = 'WHOLESALE') and (M.EFDATE8 <= Replace(Cast((date(" & Parameters!BatchDateDMY.Value ") + 30 days) as Char(10)), '-', '')) AND CRDT <='" & Parameters!BatchDateISO.Value "'"

    Please let me know how you would have written this in SSRS query/expression. Thanks!

  • Not sure if it is the same for DB2, but for SQL Server queries I use @myParameter for parameters. The question mark is used in SSIS, but not sure this is the same for SSRS.

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