Doing Insert/Update/Delete from Oracle Source to SQL Server Dest.

  • Hello,

    I have an Oracle database located on the remote machine and can conenct thru ODBC conenction and I have a SQL Server 2008 Standard edision on another server.

    Now, I have to Insert or update or delete the records in SQL Server destination, by comparing with Oracle source. There is a unique key column in that table and last_update column (in both source and destination) which I can use it for comparision.

    Is there any method for doing the Incremental load from Oracle Source to SQL Server destination.

    Thanks & Regards

  • Is there a way to use SSIS?

  • Yes, I can use SSIS.. but I'm not sure how to setup the Insert, Update and delete commands in SSIS. In other words... I actually want to compare my source and destination to know what rows changed and apply those changes rows only. As I am using ODBC connection, it's taking more time to download the data.

    Can I use replication btw Oracle to sql server??


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