Need to restore one file into a database

  • Hi all,

    First of all, this is development server. We have a database of a size of over 1 TB which have partitioned tables and it was restored several months ago.

    Now, if I select from any table which are partitioned, it gives an error message recommending to run DBCC checkdb, and points to particular file, which I guess may be corrupted. For now I am running DBCC checktable against table in question. But my question is not about this.

    I have fresh production backup. Can I restore just one file into our database? If it is possible, how should I do this restore?


  • Is the table partitioned across multiple filegroups, is this file in its own filegroup?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • It is partitioned accross multiple filegroups, and each FG has only one file. But me error message points only to the very first file in this partition scheme.

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