Count value once in 30 days

  • Hello,

    If I have a customer respond to the same survey in 30 days more than once, I only want to count it once. Can someone show me code to do that please?

    CustomerID SurveyId ResponseDate

    cust1 100 5/6/13

    Cust1 100 5/13/13

    Cust2 100 4/20/13

    Cust2 100 5/22/13

    Then output should be like this:

    CustomerID SurveyId CountSurvey

    Cust1 100 1

    Cust2 100 2



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  • Hi Sean,

    Thanks, but it's not just distinct customer, I need to count based on whether his response to survey was in the last 30 days. If he responded to more than once in the last 30 days to the same survey then count him only once. If he responded more than once but after 30 days from the last response, then count it as twice and so on.

  • It isn't too bad but can you turn your data into something readily consumable? A good example is what I posted in your other thread. It makes it a LOT easier for us to get started.


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  • Sure, is this what you mean?

    create table #Something


    CustID Char(10),

    SurveyId char(5),

    ResponseDate datetime


    insert #Something

    select 'Cust1', '100', '5/6/13' union all

    select 'Cust1', '100', '5/13/13' union all

    select 'Cust2', '100', '4/20/13' union all

    select 'Cust2', '100', '5/22/13'

    select distinct custid, SurveyId, Count(custid) as CountResponse from #Something

    group by CustID, SurveyId

    The above code only gives me the total count of Response, not sure how to code to count only once per 30 day period.

  • puja63 (7/10/2013)

    Sure, is this what you mean?

    create table #Something


    CustID Char(10),

    SurveyId char(5),

    ResponseDate datetime


    insert #Something

    select 'Cust1', '100', '5/6/13' union all

    select 'Cust1', '100', '5/13/13' union all

    select 'Cust2', '100', '4/20/13' union all

    select 'Cust2', '100', '5/22/13'

    select distinct custid, SurveyId, Count(custid) as CountResponse from #Something

    group by CustID, SurveyId

    The above code only gives me the total count of Response, not sure how to code to count only once per 30 day period.

    This can get rather nasty. How do you define your 30 day window? What happens if say the first person has a third response from June 5th? That is 31 days after the first response but less than 30 from the second response.

    insert #Something

    select 'Cust1', '100', '5/6/13' union all

    select 'Cust1', '100', '5/13/13' union all

    select 'Cust1', '100', '6/5/13' union all

    select 'Cust2', '100', '4/20/13' union all

    select 'Cust2', '100', '5/22/13'

    What would be the expected output of that?


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  • I got a head-ache from this really, b'cos I thought about that as well and this kind of logic is new for me. I talked to the Client and they said they do want the 30 day rolling period.

    insert #Something

    select 'Cust1', '100', '5/6/13' union all

    select 'Cust1', '100', '5/13/13' union all

    select 'Cust1', '100', '6/6/13' union all

    select 'Cust1', '100', '7/1/13' union all

    select 'Cust2', '100', '4/20/13' union all

    select 'Cust2', '100', '5/22/13'

    In your example, the third row should actually be 6/6/13 for it to be the 31st day from 5/6/13 I think. If so, count for Customer1 would be 2, because 6/6 is after 30 days from 5/6. And from this date onwards, they want to count only 1 response for the next 30 days from 6/6 and so on..

    Can this be coded?

    If not, I have to talk to them to see if I can count all responses after the first 30 days have elapsed. So, in our example the count would be 1 (for 5/6 ) and don't count 5/13 b'cos it's within 30 days of the 5/6, but count 6/6, 7/1 for Cust1. Therefore, the total count will be 3. Even this I'm having trouble to code as it seems like a loop for each customer, survey!

  • I'm not sayin' this is the best or fastest way or nuthin' but it (or somethin' like it) might work for you:

    CREATE TABLE #Responses

    (CustID VARCHAR(10), SurveyID VARCHAR(10), ResponseDate DATE);

    CREATE TABLE #Responses2

    (CustID VARCHAR(10), SurveyID VARCHAR(10), ResponseDate DATE);

    INSERT #Responses (CustID, SurveyID, ResponseDate)

    SELECT 'Cust1', '100', '5/6/13' union all

    SELECT 'Cust1', '100', '5/13/13' union all

    SELECT 'Cust1', '100', '6/5/13' union all

    SELECT 'Cust1', '100', '7/1/13' union all

    SELECT 'Cust2', '100', '4/20/13' union all

    SELECT 'Cust2', '100', '5/22/13';

    DECLARE @Rows INT = 1;

    INSERT INTO #Responses2

    SELECT CustID, SurveyID, MIN(ResponseDate)

    FROM #Responses

    GROUP BY CustID, SurveyID;

    WHILE @Rows > 0


    WITH Responses AS (

    SELECT CustID, SurveyID, ResponseDate

    ,rn=ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY CustID, SurveyID ORDER BY ResponseDate)

    FROM #Responses a

    WHERE ResponseDate > DATEADD(day, 30, (

    SELECT MAX(ResponseDate)

    FROM #Responses2 b

    WHERE a.CustID = b.CustID AND a.SurveyID = b.SurveyID

    GROUP BY CustID, SurveyID))


    INSERT INTO #Responses2

    SELECT CustID, SurveyID, ResponseDate

    FROM Responses

    WHERE rn=1;

    SELECT @Rows = @@ROWCOUNT;


    SELECT CustID, SurveyID, Responses=COUNT(*)

    FROM #Responses2

    GROUP BY CustID, SurveyID;


    DROP TABLE #Responses;

    DROP TABLE #Responses2;

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

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    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

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  • puja63 (7/10/2013)

    Hi Sean,

    Thanks, but it's not just distinct customer, I need to count based on whether his response to survey was in the last 30 days. If he responded to more than once in the last 30 days to the same survey then count him only once. If he responded more than once but after 30 days from the last response, then count it as twice and so on.

    puja63 (7/10/2013)

    I got a head-ache from this really, b'cos I thought about that as well and this kind of logic is new for me. I talked to the Client and they said they do want the 30 day rolling period.

    insert #Something

    select 'Cust1', '100', '5/6/13' union all

    select 'Cust1', '100', '5/13/13' union all

    select 'Cust1', '100', '6/6/13' union all

    select 'Cust1', '100', '7/1/13' union all

    select 'Cust2', '100', '4/20/13' union all

    select 'Cust2', '100', '5/22/13'

    In your example, the third row should actually be 6/6/13 for it to be the 31st day from 5/6/13 I think. If so, count for Customer1 would be 2, because 6/6 is after 30 days from 5/6. And from this date onwards, they want to count only 1 response for the next 30 days from 6/6 and so on..

    Can this be coded?

    If not, I have to talk to them to see if I can count all responses after the first 30 days have elapsed. So, in our example the count would be 1 (for 5/6 ) and don't count 5/13 b'cos it's within 30 days of the 5/6, but count 6/6, 7/1 for Cust1. Therefore, the total count will be 3. Even this I'm having trouble to code as it seems like a loop for each customer, survey!

    Don't you need the survey date as a fixed start date for this? If you use today's date, your result set could be different for every day this week.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

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