Help on triggers

  • Dear Friend,

    Am I able to capture the query inside the trigger that I was executed..?

    For example, I have instead of delete trigger for a table say SampleTable.

    create table sampletable (Id int ,name varchar(800))

    create trigger sampletriger on sampletable

    instead of delete


    Print 'Desired Query'

    insert into sampletable values(1, 'heavenguy')

    insert into sampletable values(2, 'tristan')

    insert into sampletable values(3, 'Jack')

    Now i'm trying to delete the sampletable...

    delete from sampletable where id = 1

    I wanted the trigger to return the query that I executed...


    delete from sampletable where id = 1

  • you could experiment with your trigger using :

    SELECT T.text

    FROM sys.dm_exec_requests R

    cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text( R.sql_handle ) T

    WHERE R.session_id = @@spid


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  • Hi I done like this

    create trigger heaven on tablename instead of delete as

    SELECT T.text FROM sys.dm_exec_requests R cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text( R.sql_handle ) T WHERE R.session_id = @@spid

    but im getting the same result of create trigger statement

    pls help

    i want to show the delete query which causes the trgger

  • (8/14/2013)

    i want to show the delete query which causes the trgger

    It might be helpful to understand why you want to do this.

    For example, are you trying to prevent certain deletes from happening?

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  • yes of course I want to restrict delete query based on some condition.

    for example ,

    assume a table named sample, and one of the column is tag which holds value 1,2

    trigger should allow users to delete the rows which has tag = 1 not to others.

    Can't Run:

    delete from sample where tag = 1

    Can Run:

    delete from sample where tag = 1

  • (8/15/2013)

    yes of course I want to restrict delete query based on some condition.

    for example ,

    assume a table named sample, and one of the column is tag which holds value 1,2

    trigger should allow users to delete the rows which has tag = 1 not to others.

    Can't Run:

    delete from sample where tag = 1

    Can Run:

    delete from sample where tag = 1

    Wouldn't it be easier to look for the condition

    tag = 1

    rather than

    query = 'delete from sample where tag = 1'

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

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  • this sounds good ..

    kindly share me the query to create a trigger to achive this.

  • CREATE TRIGGER dbo.My_Table_Delete_Instead_Of_Trigger

    ON dbo.My_Table




    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM deleted WHERE tag <> 1)


    WHERE <key> IN (SELECT <key> FROM deleted)


    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Rather than hide that logic in a Trigger, wouldn't it be better to just deny your users direct access to the base table and then use a Stored Procedure to control access?

    You can encapsulate all the logic you want to control the Deletes in there.

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