buffer latch Issues

  • Hi,

    I am seeing more of the following buffer latch issues these days in my error log and quite dont understand whats the issue with? Please advice.


    Windows 2003 SP2

    SQL Server 2008 SP3

    Disk Space : SAN

    RAM: 128 Gigs

    CPU: 24

    A time-out occurred while waiting for buffer latch -- type 4, bp 0000001710FF4280, page 1:11062976, stat 0x16c0040d, database id: 10, allocation unit Id: 72057594185187328, task 0x000000001F209708 : 0, waittime 300, flags 0x1a, owning task 0x000000001F209708. Not continuing to wait.

    A time-out occurred while waiting for buffer latch -- type 2, bp 0000001E19FEE380, page 1:7611136, stat 0x6c0040d, database id: 7, allocation unit Id: 72057594430291968, task 0x000000000C208748 : 0, waittime 300, flags 0x1a, owning task 0x000000000C208748. Not continuing to wait.

    Timeout occurred while waiting for latch: class 'LOG_MANAGER', id 000000002C3A09F8, type 4, Task 0x000000000C4E7B88 : 0, waittime 300, flags 0x1a, owning task 0x0000000006031DC8. Continuing to wait.

    SQL Server has encountered 1 occurrence(s) of I/O requests taking longer than 15 seconds to complete on file [E:\MSSQL10.RISKWAREHOUSE\MSSQL\Data\MarketRisk_Prelive_1.LDF] in database [MarketRisk_Prelive] (7). The OS file handle is 0x0000000000000BD4. The offset of the latest long I/O is: 0x000001d825a800

  • From Paul Randal's blog: http://www.sqlskills.com/blogs/paul/most-common-latch-classes-and-what-they-mean/


    If you see this latch it is almost certainly because a transaction log is growing because it could not clear/truncate for some reason. Find the database where the log is growing and then figure out what's preventing log clearing using: SELECT [log_reuse_wait_desc] FROM sys.databases WHERE [name] = N'youdbname'

    Is the MarketRisk_Prelive database log file growing automatically? By how much?

    What databases are returned by: select name, database_id from sys.databases where database_id IN (7, 10)

    Is this a reoccuring problem or did it occur during a high load period?

    Also are you using snapshot isolation level? There was a patch after SP3 for your other latch errors, see here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2545989

  • Also, what are the current sizes of the data and log files for that database, and what are the autogrowth options set to for the files?

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