Query showing tables with a specific column in them

  • I must be doing this wrong..becouse I get columns with no matching table.

    Here is the query I created to show tables that have a column with the name "solutionscenariocode" as the column name.

    USE [asccdb]

    select col.[name] as Column_Name, tbl.[name] as Table_Name

    from sys.columns col

    inner join sys.tables tbl

    on tbl.[object_id] = col.[object_id]

    where col.[name] like 'solutionscenariocode'

    Checking query should be empty, but it is not

    USE [asccdb]

    select col.[name] as Column_Name, tbl.[name] as Table_Name

    from sys.columns col

    left outer join sys.tables tbl

    on tbl.[object_id] = col.[object_id]

    where col.[name] like 'solutionscenariocode' and tbl.[object_id] is NULL

  • From a quick test I got similar results, but then using sys.objects I found the the objects in the second query were all views not tables as you were checking for in the first query.

    I would suggest you modify the queries to:-

    SELECT col.[name] AS Column_Name

    , tbl.[name] AS Table_Name


    sys.columns col

    INNER JOIN sys.tables tbl

    ON tbl.[object_id] = col.[object_id]

    INNER JOIN sys.objects obj

    ON col.object_id = obj.object_id


    col.name LIKE '%solutionscenariocode%'

    AND obj.type_desc = 'USER_TABLE'

    SELECT col.[name] AS Column_Name

    , tbl.[name] AS Table_Name

    , col.*


    sys.columns col

    INNER JOIN sys.objects obj

    ON col.object_id = obj.object_id

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.tables tbl

    ON tbl.[object_id] = col.[object_id]


    col.[name] LIKE '%solutionscenariocode%'

    AND tbl.[object_id] IS NULL

    AND obj.type_desc = 'USER_TABLE'

    Don't forget to use % for wildcards in like too. 😉

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  • Thanks... forgot about views. I do not want a wildcard.. since I need to find all tables with that exact name in it... so I can create a SQL to generate the statement to clean out bad data.

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