Search for string in xml column

  • I have a table with column name 'xmlmycolumn' which is of datatype xml. I want to search for string in that whole xml. So to do this i am casting column as varchar and then i use charindex as shown below.

    SELECT *

    FROM mytable

    WHERE ( Charindex('abc',CAST([xmlmycolumn] AS VARCHAR(MAX)))>0 )

    Is there any other method other than casting the column as varchar so that performance of the query is increased?

  • Hi,

    you can go through this link hope this will work for you 😛

    To get quick answer follow this link:

  • hi kapil

    In the link you have mentioned there i found below queries



    id INT,

    col XML


    INSERT INTO @tbl



    DECLARE @id int

    SELECT @id = 6

    SELECT *

    FROM @tbl t1

    WHERE t1.col.exist('//*[text()=sql:variable("@id")]')=1

    Here what is t1.col.exist('//*[text()=sql:variable("@id")]')=1

    I mean where exactly it will search? i didn't understand what is //*[text()] will do?

    Also in another query what does //*/text() mean?

    SELECT *

    FROM @tbl t1

    WHERE col.exist('//*/text()[contains(.,sql:variable("@id"))]') = 1

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