Function return request

  • Hello,

    I hopefully can explain my self, first the code 🙂

    -- Declare the return variable here

    DECLARE @sql int,@tablename varchar(max) = 'POHeader',@Results int

    set @sql = 'select max(PROGRESS_RECID) from Epicor_SGI.dbo.'+@tablename

    -- Add the T-SQL statements to compute the return value here

    exec @sql

    set @Results = @sql

    print @results

    -- Return the result of the function

    RETURN @Results

    so what I would like is from the @Sql which runs a sql script in varchar, to return the results of the max row into int, so i can return it from a function and use it for another database for auditing purposes... sadly its not converting... how can i accomplish this, again sorry if it doesnt make sense, not sure if you need a sample database let me know as i can easily just put out a simple 2 column table.

    thanks in advance

  • In SQL you can't build dynamic SQL and execute it as part of a function. So as far as that is concerned you can't.

    As far as the dynamic sql you have other issues. You can execute the statement by using an EXEC ( @sql ) or sp_execute.

    I think you might want to explain better what you want to accomplish.


  • One way is to put the result into an already created temp table and select it after the 'exec'.

    DECLARE @sql varchar(max),@tablename varchar(max) = 'sys.syscolumns', @Results bigint

    create table #temp2 (maxid bigint null)

    set @sql = 'insert #temp2 select max(ID) from '+ @tablename

    -- Add the T-SQL statements to compute the return value here

    exec (@sql)

    select @Results = [maxid] from #temp2

    select @Results

    Note the change of @sql to varchar(max).

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • Sorry, I may have misread the OP. You can't, as has been previously stated, do the dynamic SQL inside a function. Does this have to be in a function?

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

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