Cursor Logic causing Blocking ?

  • I'm trying to troubleshoot some inherited code that uses cursors and seems to be causing blocking.

    The cursor gets loaded from a select statement, and eventually does an insert into a production table. I think it loops around and does 1 insert per record in the cursor.

    Is a lock held on the table being inserted until the cursor loop completes ? Or is there a lock-release-lock-release for each loop in the cursor ?

    Other users are trying to issue updates against the same table but seem to be blocked for long periods of time.

    Or am I being to vague to get an answer ?


  • It could be locking especially if there is a transaction outside the loop. From the brief description it sounds like you just make that cursor go the way of the dodo bird. It will run faster which help eliminate the blocking. It is a win-win. 😀


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  • I only see a transaction inside the loop, doing a commit/rollback based on error code.

  • Well, seeing as we can't see what you see it is hard to give you a really good answer instead of a shot in the dark.

  • You asked for it 😛

    Here's the code as I found it. The table being locked from other users is WebSiteMessageRecipient

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spWebSiteMessageDumpProcess]



    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.


    declare @status int

    declare @StatusDescription varchar(512)

    declare @MessageID int

    declare @sender int

    declare@recipients varchar(max)

    declare@recipients_status varchar(max)

    declare @sentdate datetime

    declare @subject varchar(max)

    declare @body varchar(max)

    declare @recipientcount int

    declare @ONSMBodyID int

    DECLARE @ONSMSenderID int

    declare @ONSMMDID int

    DECLARE @currentRecipient INT

    DECLARE @currentRecipient_status VARCHAR(10)



    DEClare @processStartDate datetime

    DECLARE @processEndDate datetime


    DECLARE @splitRecipient TABLE (

    id int,

    DATA NVARCHAR(max) )

    DECLARE @splitRecipient_status TABLE (

    id int,

    DATA NVARCHAR(max) )

    SET @RCOUNT = 0

    set @processStartDate = getDate()

    delete from WebSiteMessageDump where ProcessStatus <> -1 and DateDiff(day,processDate, getDate()) > 40;

    DECLARE WebSiteMessageDump_cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECTONSMMD_ID,Message_ID, sender, Recipients,recipients_status, sent_date,

    subject,body, recipient_count,Message_ID


    WHEREProcessStatus = -1

    ORDER BY CreatedDate;

    open WebSiteMessageDump_cursor;

    fetch next fromWebSiteMessageDump_cursor

    into @ONSMMDID,@MessageID, @sender,@recipients,@recipients_status, @sentdate, @subject, @body,@recipientcount,@MESSAGEID;



    begin transaction WebSiteMessgeInsert

    insert into WebSiteMessageBody



    IF @@ERROR <> 0


    SET @status = 1

    set @StatusDescription ='Error Inserting into WebSiteMessageBody'

    goto ExitPoint


    select @ONSMBodyID = @@identity

    IF @ONSMBodyID is NULL


    SET @status = 2

    set @StatusDescription ='Error Inserting into WebSiteMessageBody: IDENTITY COLLUM IS NULL'

    goto ExitPoint


    insert into WebSiteMessageSender

    (Sender, recipient_count, MessageSentDate)

    values(@Sender,@recipientcount, @sentdate)

    IF @@ERROR <> 0


    SET @status = 3

    set @StatusDescription ='Error Inserting into WebSiteMessageSender'

    goto ExitPoint


    select @ONSMSenderID = @@identity

    IF @ONSMSenderID is NULL


    SET @status = 4

    set @StatusDescription ='Error Inserting into WebSiteMessageSender: IDENTITY COLLUM IS NULL'

    goto ExitPoint


    insert into @splitRecipient(id,data)

    select id, data

    from dbo.split(@recipients,',')

    insert into @splitRecipient_status(id,data)

    select id, data

    from dbo.split(@recipients_status,',')

    SET @RCOUNT = 1

    WHILE @RCOUNT <= @recipientcount


    SELECT @currentRecipient = DATA FROM @splitRecipient WHERE ID = @RCOUNT

    SELECT @currentRecipient_status = replace(replace(DATA,@currentRecipient,''),':','') FROM @splitRecipient_status WHERE LEFT(data, Charindex(':', data) - 1) = @currentRecipient

    --SELECT @currentRecipient_status = replace(replace(DATA,@currentRecipient,''),':','') FROM @splitRecipient_status WHERE ID = @RCOUNT

    SELECT @ONSMMEMID = dbo.fnGetMemberID(@Sender)

    SELECT @ONSMRecipientMemID = dbo.fnGetMemberID(@currentRecipient)

    INSERT INTO WebSiteMessageRecipient















    IF @@ERROR <> 0


    SET @status = 5

    set @StatusDescription ='Error Inserting into WebSiteMessageRecipient for recipientID # '+ convert(varchar(30),@currentRecipient)

    goto ExitPoint


    set @RCOUNT = @RCOUNT + 1


    set @status = 0

    set @StatusDescription ='Success Processing'


    IF @status = 0

    COMMIT transaction WebSiteMessgeInsert


    rollback transaction WebSiteMessgeInsert

    set @processEndDate = getDate()

    update WebSiteMessageDump set ProcessStatus =@Status , ProcessStatusDescription = @StatusDescription, processDate = @processEndDate where ONSMMD_ID = @ONSMMDID

    fetch next fromWebSiteMessageDump_cursor

    into @ONSMMDID,@MessageID, @sender,@recipients,@recipients_status, @sentdate, @subject, @body,@recipientcount,@MESSAGEID;


    CLOSE WebSiteMessageDump_cursor;

    DEALLOCATE WebSiteMessageDump_cursor;

    -- Insert statements for procedure here

    select * from WebSiteMessageDump WHERE ProcessStatus <> 0 and processDate >=@processStartDate and processDate <=@processEndDate


  • Once I see named code blocks and GOTOs all over the place my eyes started bleeding.

    I know that you inherited this so it won't offend you when I say this thing does not need to be fixed. It needs to be taken out to pasture and shot like a horse with a broken leg. A complete 100% rewrite is the only thing that can fix this.

    Scalar functions, a split function (that might be horrible, or not).

    That table is being inserted in a loop inside of a transaction. It is no surprise that is being blocked.


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  • Nice Reply 😀

    I don't really want to take on anything else right now, but may have to.

    Back to my original question, would you expect that table to be locked until the entire process completes ?

  • my guess would be the WHILE loop *cough* being the reason for locking.

    Depending on the value of @recipientcount it might take a while to perform all those single row inserts.

    Step 1 would be to replace that WHILE stuff with a set base solution. And once you're changing the code anyway, get rid of the outer c.u.r.s.o.r. *cough* 😉

    Afther those two steps you won't have to rewrite the code 😀

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • homebrew01 (6/11/2013)

    Nice Reply 😀

    I don't really want to take on anything else right now, but may have to.

    Back to my original question, would you expect that table to be locked until the entire process completes ?

    Given that the transaction begins at the beginning of each iteration through the cursor and then starts a loop to insert into that table it will be blocked for most of the time this is running. There will be a small window that other processes should be able to access that table but they should be able to jump in between iterations.


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  • LutzM (6/11/2013)

    my guess would be the WHILE loop *cough* being the reason for locking.

    Depending on the value of @recipientcount it might take a while to perform all those single row inserts.

    Step 1 would be to replace that WHILE stuff with a set base solution. And once you're changing the code anyway, get rid of the outer c.u.r.s.o.r. *cough* 😉

    Afther those two steps you won't have to rewrite the code 😀

    Even if you didn't choose to get rid of the cursor - you can still get rid of the WHILE loop. You've already got a table variable being used for the intermediate results for the recipient: if you did the rest of the the intermediate processing that is being done in the WHILE, but do that in the table variable then do the insert of the entire contents of the table variable in set fashion, your lock on that recipients table would be for a much smaller window.

    That said - don't take that as encouragement NOT to kill the cursor. You'll be better off once that thing hits the trash heap.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Another couple of things I noticed that you might want to change, the use of @@Identity which isnt thread safe, so you might want to consider switching it to use SCOPE_IDENTITY().

    How often is this SP run?

    This looks like it was written by an Application developer rather than an SQL developer, Personally I would be marking this procedure as an amber category (probably Red) SP for refactoring as the issues are only going to get worse.

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  • You know, I can say I've seen a lot worse. Yes, there are problems with it, but it isn't even close to the biggest offender I've seen. There was once a trigger that was over 1400 lines long. It had lots of named locations, goto statements everywhere, conditional transactions, cursors, implicit casts and dismal performance. It was the best example of spaghetti logic I've ever seen. It kept track of hours allocation on jobs and the data was used for costing and billing. It was written by several rambo-style coders - a term I use to refer to people who just keep going and adding more code until it eventually works. No finesse; just brute force.

    Anyway, the trigger needed to be updated, but nobody wanted to even try because it was so ridiculous. I took the challenge and modularized the whole thing. It took a couple of weeks to pull off, but in the end, it worked and was significantly shorter. Yes, this type of thing can be done, but it shouldn't be entered into thinking it'll be done quickly and I don't need to emphasize the importance of testing.

    With all that being said, when you refactor this and the approach you take is completely up to you. You may decide that, in the interest of timing, you're going to tackle the dbo.split function first. You may decide that other things need to wait and the whole thing needs to be redone now. Either way, there will probably be some pain, so just be ready for that. In the grand scheme of things, getting it to work with acceptable performance is the goal and its importance has to be weighed against the other things you have on your plate. I know this isn't a solution to the problem, but sometimes just the perspective of the situation from others is a benefit to me on something like this.

  • Thanks for all the replies.

    It runs every day at 4:00 am, and usually take 10 minutes. It processes a list of members and their recipeints of emails for reporting purposes. 1 user accidentally somehow managed to select all members for emails, and sent out 150,000 + emails, and this reporting job really bogged down trying to process them all, so it was still running during business hours.

  • If its only called once a day then its not too bad, so probably an Amber for refactoring, it it was being run more regulararly then you may want to look at it with a little more urgancy.

    To prevent someone sending out 150K+ emails you might want to consider putting a hard cap on on the process, say 10,000 emails or what ever the daily avg is +50% to prevent it happening again, but log that it was a truncated run.

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