More efficient way to iterate through table rows to perform Update

  • I have a temporary table in SQL Server 2008. I want to perform UPDATE row-by-row.

    As of now I am using a less efficient way by adding an Id column and then updating the row number. Later, I am running a loop and picking row with Id matching the loop counter.

    Is there any more efficient way to iterate the table row by row and performing Update operation?

    I have MERGE in mind, but the problem is that I want to check several conditions before update is performed. With MERGE, I will be bound to use CASE WHEN.

    There are two tables, #Temp1 and SalesRecord. I want to read from #Temp1 and update SalesRecord

    Both tables have few similar columns.

    #Temp1 (CustId int, AllocVal decimal, RowId)

    SalesRecord (CustId int , Points decimal)

    declare @Total as int

    select @Total = count(*) from #Temp1

    declare @counter as int

    set @counter = 1

    declare @CurrentVal as decimal

    declare @CurrentCustomer as int

    declare @SumPoints as decimal

    while (@counter <= @Total)

    begin -- Get row from #Temp1

    select @CurrentCustomer = CustId, @CurrentVal = allocVal from #Temp1 where RowId = @counter

    select @SumPoints = Sum(Points) from SalesRecord where CustId = @CurrentCustomer

    if ((@CurrentVal + @SumPoints) <= 1)


    update SalesRecord set Points = @CurrentVal




    delete from SalesRecord where CustId = @CurrentCustomer


    set @counter = @counter + 1


    "Here is a test to find out whether your mission in life is complete. If you're alive, it isn't. "

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  • MERGE is exactly what I would use here. I am not sure I understand your reservations about using MERGE for this.

    If you want specific coding help we need you to post a few things:

    1. Sample DDL in the form of CREATE TABLE statements

    2. Sample data in the form of INSERT INTO statements

    3. Expected results based on the sample data

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  • Also, you need to define more the logic you're using because you haev some possible flaws in your code and I see no reason to go row by (agonizing) row.

    A set based operation will be more effective for you.

    Luis C.
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    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

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  • With MERGE I want to know whether I can do something like this:

    MERGE <table name> USING <sql>


    IF (condition) Then (Update Query)

    When NOT Matched Then

    If (Condition) Then (Multiple SQL Queries)

    "Here is a test to find out whether your mission in life is complete. If you're alive, it isn't. "

    Richard Bach

  • @RDBMS (6/10/2013)

    With MERGE I want to know whether I can do something like this:

    MERGE <table name> USING <sql>


    IF (condition) Then (Update Query)

    When NOT Matched Then

    If (Condition) Then (Multiple SQL Queries)

    MERGE is a single statement, it is not used to control flow of logic. Here you have mixed logic flow and a single statement into one.

    Aside from the multiple queries you can achieve most of what you are looking for.

    When MATCHED AND (condition)


    When NOT MATCHED AND (condition)


    If you truly need to do this type of more complicated logic you will need to break this into a couple logical blocks first. With no more details it is hard to give much of an example of what I mean here.


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