How to add a login with db_datareader in a database in a remote server via tsql from the given server?

  • There is a list of servers and databases kept in the catalog DB ie the DB name and connection details. This information resides in one server. I have to iterate through each server/database and connection details, establish a connection and create a login and a user in that specified database with db_datareader role. I tired using openrowset but I get the following error

    declare @nameout nvarchar(max)

    SELECT @NameOut = name


    'SELECT name FROM sys.server_principals

    WHERE name = ''Domain\user''')

    IF ISNULL(@Nameout,'')=''

    select @Nameout as ifname


    SELECT @NameOut = name


    'CREATE LOGIN [Domain\user] FROM WINDOWS')

    select @NameOut


    Cannot process the object "CREATE LOGIN [username] FROM WINDOWS". The OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI10" for linked server "(null)" indicates that either the object has no columns or the current user does not have permissions on that object.

    The user i have logged in definitely has permission to create login in the target server. I have also tried to link the server but still it throws me the same error. The select with openrowset seem to return the @nameout but I am unable to create a login. Please help me with this issue.

  • Do you need to create the same login on each server? If so you can try opening a query window against a registered server group. That way you just write the syntax like you would for a local server and then run it against the group.

    Joie Andrew
    "Since 1982"

  • i think the issue is your second statement; you only select if your variable is empty string, but you already created it?

    i would do it all in a single command, like this, using if exists:

    declare @NameOut nvarchar(128)

    SELECT @NameOut = name


    'IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT name from sys.server_principals WHERE name = ''disney\lizaguirre'')


    CREATE LOGIN [disney\lizaguirre] FROM WINDOWS;


    SELECT name from sys.server_principals WHERE name = ''disney\lizaguirre'' ')

    PRINT @NameOut


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • I am sorry but I forgot to mention that the servername has to be passed as a parameter to the openrowset query


    DECLARE @SqlCreateLogin nvarchar(max)


    I assign the @serverinstancename,@DBname variables values using a query. Not hard coded values


    SET @SQLString1 = N'SELECT @NameOut = name

    FROM OPENROWSET (''SQLNCLI'',''Server=' + @ServerInstanceName + ';TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES;'',

    ''DECLARE @SqlCreateLogin nvarchar(max)

    Select @SqlCreateLogin = ''''IF NOT EXISTS (

    SELECT 1

    FROM sys.server_principals

    WHERE name = ''''''''domain\user''''''''


    CREATE LOGIN [domain\user] FROM WINDOWS;'''''')'

    EXEC sp_executesql

    @SQLString1 ,N'@ServerInstanceName SYSNAME,@DBName SYSNAME,@NameOut SYSNAME OUTPUT',@ServerInstanceName,@DBName,@NameOut = @Name OUTPUT

    I get the following error

    Msg 7357, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

    Cannot process the object "DECLARE @SqlCreateLogin nvarchar(max)

    Select @SqlCreateLogin = 'IF NOT EXISTS (

    SELECT 1

    FROM sys.server_principals

    WHERE name = ''Domain\user''


    CREATE LOGIN [domain\user] FROM WINDOWS;'". The OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI10" for linked server "(null)" indicates that either the object has no columns or the current user does not have permissions on that object.

  • Jerome it seems to me you are leaving a lot out.

    your example must be coming inside a cursor, right? why don't you show that part too?

    your code(so far) is adding a login, but

    your title says you want to add a user with db_datareader, which is an extra step and requires a database name; i'm expecting your final cursor is going to have a command like this in it?

    did you leave out something else, where you are getting the list of all the databases on the server?

    USE DBName;

    If NOT EXISTS(SELECT name from sys.database_principals WHERE name = 'disney\lizaguirre')

    CREATE USER disney\lizaguirre from disney\lizaguirre

    EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_datareader', N'disney\lizaguirre'

    typically, i would get all the commands together as a stack of scripts, test them, and then if they work, parameterize them into dynamic sql;

    it looks to me like you didn't get the original script working yet, so your fighting syntax issues inside dynamic SQL;

    i would just build a stack of queries, and execute the command;


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Sorry again. Here is the whole script.



    id INT IDENTITY(1,1)

    ,SQlServername NVARCHAR(MAX)

    ,SQLInstanceName NVARCHAR(MAX)

    ,TCPPortNum INT

    ,DatabaseName NVARCHAR(MAX)


    DECLARE @ServerInstanceName NVARCHAR(MAX)





    INSERT INTO @DbData(SQlServername, SQLInstanceName, TCPPortNum,DatabaseName)





    ,ed.DatabaseName FROM schema.EngagementDatabase ed

    inner join schema.DatabaseServerSQLInstance SI ON SI.DatabaseServerSQLInstanceID =ed.DatabaseServerSQLInstanceID

    inner join schema.DatabaseServer db ON db.DatabaseServerID =SI.DatabaseServerID

    DECLARE @i INT = 0

    WHILE(@i < (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @DbData))


    SET @i = @i + 1

    SELECT @ServerInstanceName = db.SQlServername + '\' + SQLInstanceName

    ,@DBName= DatabaseName FROM @DbData db WHERE = @i

    --select @DBName as dbname

    SET @SQLString = N'SELECT @NameOut = name

    FROM OPENROWSET (''SQLNCLI'',''Server=' + @ServerInstanceName + ';TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES;'',

    ''SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE name = '''''+ @DBName +''''''') AS tbl'

    -- Check Database existance


    DECLARE @Name SYSNAME = ''

    EXEC sp_executesql

    @SQLString ,

    N'@ServerInstanceName SYSNAME,@DBName SYSNAME,@NameOut SYSNAME OUTPUT'

    ,@ServerInstanceName,@DBName,@NameOut = @Name OUTPUT

    IF NOT ISNULL(@Name,'')=''


    DECLARE @SqlCreateLogin nvarchar(max)

    DECLARE @SqlCreateUser nvarchar(max)

    --Create SQL Instance Login

    SET @SQLString1 = N'SELECT @NameOut = name

    FROM OPENROWSET (''SQLNCLI'',''Server=' + @ServerInstanceName + ';TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES;'',

    ''DECLARE @SqlCreateLogin nvarchar(max)

    Select @SqlCreateLogin = ''''IF NOT EXISTS (

    SELECT 1

    FROM sys.server_principals

    WHERE name = ''''''''domain\user''''''''


    CREATE LOGIN [domain\user] FROM WINDOWS;'''''')'

    print @SQLString1

    EXEC sp_executesql

    @SQLString1 ,N'@ServerInstanceName SYSNAME,@DBName SYSNAME,@NameOut SYSNAME OUTPUT',@ServerInstanceName,@DBName,@NameOut = @Name OUTPUT

    --Create schema database user login

    SET @SQLString2 = N'SELECT @NameOut = name

    FROM OPENROWSET (''SQLNCLI'',''Server=' + @ServerInstanceName + ';TRUSTED_CONNECTION=YES;'',

    ''USE ['+ @DBName +']

    DECLARE @SqlCreateUser nvarchar(max)

    Select @SqlCreateUser = ''''IF NOT EXISTS (

    SELECT 1

    FROM sys.database_principals

    WHERE name = ''''eADiagUser''''


    CREATE USER eADiagUser FOR LOGIN [domain\user];

    EXEC sp_addrolemember db_datareader, [eADiagUser];'''''')'

    EXEC sp_executesql

    @SQLString2 ,N'@ServerInstanceName SYSNAME,@DBName SYSNAME,@NameOut SYSNAME OUTPUT',@ServerInstanceName,@DBName,@NameOut = @Name OUTPUT

    -- Add domain/user login to SQL instance

    EXEC sp_executesql @SqlCreateLogin

    -- Add user to Database and assign db_datareder permission

    EXEC sp_executesql @SqlCreateUser , N'@DBName SYSNAME',@DBName



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