SQL 2012 Cluster failure during Add node

  • I installed a new SQL 2012 failover cluster Enterprise on a 4 node cluster. When I am trying to run Add node on any of the other 3 nodes, the installation fails with the following error:

    While running 'Update HADRResource'

    gives error:

    Status: Failed: see logs for details

    Reason for failure: An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail.

    Next Step: Use the following information to resolve the error, uninstall this feature, and then run the setup process again.

    Component name: SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features

    Component error code: 0x86D80018

    Error description: There was an error to lookup cluster resource types. Error: There was a failure to call cluster code from a provider. Exception message: Generic failure . Status code: 4104. Description: .

    Please help in resolving this error.

  • Have you heard anything or figured this problem out?

    I have nearly the same problem installing on the primary node.

  • Similar message popped up when installing SQL 2012 on a two node multi-subnet cluster. This was not a clustered SQL install, the fix was to get the WFC back up.

  • I dug deeper into my install logs and found that SQL install was failing because we are using Double-Take and SQL installer cannot handle the "-" in the resource type name.

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