previous Friday till the end of the current Friday

  • Hi Guys,

    I'm designing a report in SSRS,I need to pull that from DB from previous Friday till the end of the current Friday.

    this is what I have on WHERE clause

    dateadd (ss,c.open_date+7200,'1970-01-01') > Dateadd(day,-7,getdate())

    Please assist

    The whole Query:

    select distinct Top 6

    Count(c.ref_num) as Logged,

    p.sym AS [Category]

    -- into #TempCat

    from call_req c, ca_contact cn, ca_contact cn2, ca_contact cn3, cr_stat st, view_group v, prob_ctg p WITH (NOLOCK), act_log al

    where c.type = 'I'

    and c.assignee *= cn.contact_uuid

    and c.customer = cn2.contact_uuid

    and al.analyst = cn3.contact_uuid

    and c.status = st.code

    and c.group_id *= v.contact_uuid

    and c.persid = al.call_req_id

    and c.category = p.persid

    and dateadd (ss,c.open_date+7200,'1970-01-01') > Dateadd(day,-7,getdate())

    Group by p.sym

    order by count(c.ref_num) desc

  • GOODS (5/23/2013)

    Hi Guys,

    I'm designing a report in SSRS,I need to pull that from DB from previous Friday till the end of the current Friday.

    this is what I have on WHERE clause

    dateadd (ss,c.open_date+7200,'1970-01-01') > Dateadd(day,-7,getdate())

    Please assist

    The whole Query:

    select distinct Top 6

    Count(c.ref_num) as Logged,

    p.sym AS [Category]

    -- into #TempCat

    from call_req c, ca_contact cn, ca_contact cn2, ca_contact cn3, cr_stat st, view_group v, prob_ctg p WITH (NOLOCK), act_log al

    where c.type = 'I'

    and c.assignee *= cn.contact_uuid

    and c.customer = cn2.contact_uuid

    and al.analyst = cn3.contact_uuid

    and c.status = st.code

    and c.group_id *= v.contact_uuid

    and c.persid = al.call_req_id

    and c.category = p.persid

    and dateadd (ss,c.open_date+7200,'1970-01-01') > Dateadd(day,-7,getdate())

    Group by p.sym

    order by count(c.ref_num) desc

    It is pretty tough to help much here because we can't see your table structures. What is the datatype of c.open_date?

    Off topic from your question but you are using a very outdated join syntax. You should revise and use the ANSI-92 style joins.

    Also, be careful with that NOLOCK hint. It can produce some very strange results.[/url]

    Here is my attempt are changing your join syntax to the current version.

    SELECT DISTINCT TOP 6 Count(c.ref_num) AS Logged

    ,p.sym AS [Category]

    -- into #TempCat

    FROM call_req c

    LEFT JOIN ca_contact cn ON c.assignee = cn.contact_uuid

    INNER JOIN ca_contact cn2 ON c.customer = cn2.contact_uuid

    INNER JOIN act_log al ON c.persid = al.call_req_id

    INNER JOIN ca_contact cn3 ON al.analyst = cn3.contact_uuid

    INNER JOIN cr_stat st ON c.STATUS = st.code

    LEFT JOIN view_group v ON c.group_id = v.contact_uuid

    INNER JOIN prob_ctg p WITH (NOLOCK) ON c.category = p.persid

    WHERE c.type = 'I'

    AND dateadd(ss, c.open_date + 7200, '1970-01-01') > Dateadd(day, - 7, getdate())

    GROUP BY p.sym

    ORDER BY count(c.ref_num) DESC

    To help with your question we need more details as I said earlier. Additionally you might want to take a look at this link for some datetime help.[/url]


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  • GOODS (5/23/2013)

    Hi Guys,

    I'm designing a report in SSRS,I need to pull that from DB from previous Friday till the end of the current Friday.

    this is what I have on WHERE clause

    dateadd (ss,c.open_date+7200,'1970-01-01') > Dateadd(day,-7,getdate())

    Please assist

    The whole Query:

    select distinct Top 6

    Count(c.ref_num) as Logged,

    p.sym AS [Category]

    -- into #TempCat

    from call_req c, ca_contact cn, ca_contact cn2, ca_contact cn3, cr_stat st, view_group v, prob_ctg p WITH (NOLOCK), act_log al

    where c.type = 'I'

    and c.assignee *= cn.contact_uuid

    and c.customer = cn2.contact_uuid

    and al.analyst = cn3.contact_uuid

    and c.status = st.code

    and c.group_id *= v.contact_uuid

    and c.persid = al.call_req_id

    and c.category = p.persid

    and dateadd (ss,c.open_date+7200,'1970-01-01') > Dateadd(day,-7,getdate())

    Group by p.sym

    order by count(c.ref_num) desc

    Change this:

    and dateadd (ss,c.open_date+7200,'1970-01-01') > Dateadd(day,-7,getdate())

    to this:

    and c.open_date >= dateadd(week, datediff(week, 0, getdate()),-3)

    Also, this may not work if you are not running SQL Server 2008 as assumed by the forum thread you have posted this in. Looking at your query you are using the ANSI-89 style outer joins and that is not supported in SQL Server 2008 (unless, iirc, you are using compatibility mode 80 for SQL Server 2000).

  • It is also looking like open_date is stored in seconds since 1/1/1970, is this correct? That would also change my solution.

  • Hi SSC-Insane,

    What I have here is a DB sitting on SQL server 2000 and I'm currently using SQL server 2012.The design of the DB is so can work on data type for a.open_date is int data type.One thing I know I need to convert the data type but I'm not sure how do I go about doing that.

  • Nope the data type is int???

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