Installing a named Instance of SQL Server 2012, on a server where it already had SQL Server 2008 R2 Instance.

  • Hi Expertts,

    I got a requirement to install a new SQL Server 2012 on a server where it already had SQL Server 2008 R2 installed.

    My question is:

    what care i have to take before and after installing the new instance.

    The first instance is installed on C:

    can i install the second instance on the same drive leaving the default location as it is?

  • When you install a named instance, the installer will automatically set the install directory name to something like C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.{instance name} or something like that. You'll have the opportunity to review the install location so you can double-check manually.

    The tricky part is what happens after installing. I'll recommend at least looking at the max server memory setting on each instance and divide accordingly.

  • The installation will take care of the install directories.

    You should take care to make sure things like max memory is properly configured for each instance.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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