How SQL query result insert in to table?

  • Hi Team,

    Daily am taking the size of databases using "EXEC SP_Databases" and updating in a excel file manually,


    now i want to create a job to execute the above query and store the results in a table.

    New table structure is


    Please help me in query

  • Minnu (3/13/2013)

    Hi Team,

    Daily am taking the size of databases using "EXEC SP_Databases" and updating in a excel file manually,


    now i want to create a job to execute the above query and store the results in a table.

    New table structure is


    Please help me in query

    To insert recordset returned by stored procedure into table, the table column structure should exactly match the recordset one. Therefore you will need to do this:

    CREATE TABLE #todaystats (DBName SYSNAME, DBSize INT , Remarks VARCHAR(254))

    INSERT #todaystats EXEC SP_Databases

    INSERT YourStatsTable

    SELECT GETDATE(),* FROM #todaystats

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