Why do some of these procedure calls have syntax errors?

  • I am using 2012 (but I think I have had similar issues with 2005 and 2008)

    Why is it that the last two procedure calls, in the commented section, have syntax errors?

    begin try drop procedure dbo.usp_WMELog end try begin catch end catch


    create Procedure dbo.usp_WMELog

    @event varchar(MAX)


    insert into tblWMELog (event) Values (@event)


    declare @t int

    declare @s-2 varchar(10)

    set @t = 3

    exec usp_WMELog @t

    set @s-2 = cast (@t as varchar(10))

    exec usp_WMELog @s-2

    exec usp_WMELog cast (@t as varchar(10))

    exec usp_WMELog convert(varchar(1), @t)

    select * from tblWMELog



    Livin' down on the cube farm. Left, left, then a right.

  • You can't apply functions to a parameter directly in the procedure call, you have to do it prior to the execute as you have with the first two calls.

  • Yeah, I got that part. 🙂 But do you know why? They both return "the converted type".

    Livin' down on the cube farm. Left, left, then a right.

  • T-SQL syntax rules, the parameter to a procedure cannot be a function.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

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    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • I see that, or the absence of it I guess. With a closer reading of the documentation I see it does not specify a function as a valid parameter. But I am still left with my question, better defined now to be sure, why does SQL Server not allow a function as a parameter?

    Livin' down on the cube farm. Left, left, then a right.

  • Tobar (3/12/2013)

    I see that, or the absence of it I guess. With a closer reading of the documentation I see it does not specify a function as a valid parameter. But I am still left with my question, better defined now to be sure, why does SQL Server not allow a function as a parameter?

    Why? I guess it's for the same reason that the white is not black, the sun is not a moon, and crocodiles do not fly (actually, they do, but at very low altitudes :hehe:)

    It's just designed this way.

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  • Probably just as Gail says - them's the rules!

    I'd speculate that it's for separation - if you allow say getdate() to be passed, where do you stop? Entire queries to give a parameter value?

  • Thanks all.

    Livin' down on the cube farm. Left, left, then a right.

  • Tobar (3/12/2013)

    But I am still left with my question, better defined now to be sure, why does SQL Server not allow a function as a parameter?

    Why can I not create a table variable with select into?

    Why does a procedure call have to start with EXEC (unless it's the first in the batch)?

    Why are extra commas allowed in some places and not others?

    Why does a UDF have to be called with it's schema when no other object requires that?

    Why can I not pass columns as function parameters when using JOIN?

    etc, etc, etc.

    It's the syntax rules of the language.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • But why??? :w00t:

    Livin' down on the cube farm. Left, left, then a right.

  • Curiosity?

    Then this great story is for you: http://www.classicreader.com/book/899/1/

    I've already mentioned it last day...

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

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  • Great story.

    Livin' down on the cube farm. Left, left, then a right.

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