Create File without xp_cmdShell

  • Hello,

    Is there a way to create a text file in the file system (Win) without xp_cmdshell / sp_configure?


    Nicole 😉

  • We'll need a bit more information. I can assume you are trying to export a result set, but I don't like to assume. Simple answer... is yes.

    CE - Microsoft

  • The Last Statement in a Stored-Procedure is "Create File C:\tmp\trigger.txt in FileSystem".

    This File is a TriggerFile for a Job. This Job ping every Minute ( if File exists then Start Processing a another Job).

    That's all.




  • Well, in your case... Why not just have the procedure start the job? Other option is to execute an SSIS package, but that seems to be a lot of work for something so simple.

    CE - Microsoft

  • A SQLCLR object can access the file system too, and it would be the lesser of two evils in this case, when compared to enabling xp_cmdshell, but still not ideal. Accessing the file system from T-SQL is just bad form in my opinion.

    I like the idea of having the proc start a job, if in fact "the job" you mentioned is an Agent Job and you were not referring to some external process to SQL Server watching a directory for a file to arrive.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • From the sounds of it, this is something that I'd prefer to have monitored from the task scheduler or from the OS or a service that is fairly lightweight.

    That said, you can create the file, and/or kick off a sql agent job if you chose to use Powershell instead.

    Powershell is lightweight and seems like the right tool for this kind of requirement.

    Here is a simple article on creating a file

    And here is one on running a SQL Agent job from a Powershell script

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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