how to get list of databases and updte support group for them in SQL CMS

  • i dont know what I am askingfor is possible or not so just want to give a try here...:-)

    I want to get a list of all databases and servers registered in SQL Central Management server and populate a sql table "A". I will have another table "B" with the database names and database supportgroups i.e, supportgroup1, supportgroup2 and supportgroup3.

    After that I want to create a job that looks for the newly created databases and updates the tabe-A or creates a new table if needed , with data supportgroups and if there is no support group associated with a database, I get an email to update the table with right support group.

  • newdba_sql (3/4/2013)

    i dont know what I am askingfor is possible or not so just want to give a try here...:-)

    I want to get a list of all databases and servers registered in SQL Central Management server and populate a sql table "A". I will have another table "B" with the database names and database supportgroups i.e, supportgroup1, supportgroup2 and supportgroup3.

    After that I want to create a job that looks for the newly created databases and updates the tabe-A or creates a new table if needed , with data supportgroups and if there is no support group associated with a database, I get an email to update the table with right support group.

    This should get you started:
















    sys.databases AS d

    INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS s

    ON d.database_id = s.principal_id

    INNER JOIN sys.all_objects AS ao

    ON s.schema_id = ao.schema_id

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