Record Matching in FIFO Basic in Stock data

  • Table Structure

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Stock](

    [clientcode] [varchar](10) NULL,

    [productid] [varchar](10) NULL,

    [pdate] [date] NULL,

    [ptime] [varchar](20) NULL,

    [pno] [numeric](18, 0) NULL,

    [ptype] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [qty] [int] NULL,

    [rate] [numeric](18, 2) NULL,

    [uniqno] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    Sample Data


    INSERT [dbo].[Stock] ([clientcode], [productid], [pdate], [ptime], [pno], [ptype], [qty], [rate], [uniqno]) VALUES (N'A001', N'P001', CAST(0x75350B00 AS Date), N'09:25:19', CAST(1231 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'B', 10, CAST(115.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)), 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[Stock] ([clientcode], [productid], [pdate], [ptime], [pno], [ptype], [qty], [rate], [uniqno]) VALUES (N'A001', N'P001', CAST(0x75350B00 AS Date), N'09:30:01', CAST(1232 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'B', 20, CAST(118.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)), 2)

    INSERT [dbo].[Stock] ([clientcode], [productid], [pdate], [ptime], [pno], [ptype], [qty], [rate], [uniqno]) VALUES (N'A001', N'P001', CAST(0x76350B00 AS Date), N'10:10:10', CAST(1231 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'B', 30, CAST(200.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)), 3)

    INSERT [dbo].[Stock] ([clientcode], [productid], [pdate], [ptime], [pno], [ptype], [qty], [rate], [uniqno]) VALUES (N'A001', N'P001', CAST(0x75350B00 AS Date), N'09:27:19', CAST(1233 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'S', 5, CAST(114.35 AS Numeric(18, 2)), 4)

    INSERT [dbo].[Stock] ([clientcode], [productid], [pdate], [ptime], [pno], [ptype], [qty], [rate], [uniqno]) VALUES (N'A001', N'P001', CAST(0x75350B00 AS Date), N'10:10:12', CAST(1234 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'S', 15, CAST(116.25 AS Numeric(18, 2)), 5)

    INSERT [dbo].[Stock] ([clientcode], [productid], [pdate], [ptime], [pno], [ptype], [qty], [rate], [uniqno]) VALUES (N'A001', N'P001', CAST(0x76350B00 AS Date), N'11:10:20', CAST(1232 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'S', 25, CAST(119.35 AS Numeric(18, 2)), 6)

    INSERT [dbo].[Stock] ([clientcode], [productid], [pdate], [ptime], [pno], [ptype], [qty], [rate], [uniqno]) VALUES (N'A002', N'P002', CAST(0x75350B00 AS Date), N'09:26:20', CAST(1235 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'S', 50, CAST(200.25 AS Numeric(18, 2)), 7)

    INSERT [dbo].[Stock] ([clientcode], [productid], [pdate], [ptime], [pno], [ptype], [qty], [rate], [uniqno]) VALUES (N'A002', N'P001', CAST(0x75350B00 AS Date), N'15:10:25', CAST(1236 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'S', 30, CAST(120.25 AS Numeric(18, 2)), 8)

    INSERT [dbo].[Stock] ([clientcode], [productid], [pdate], [ptime], [pno], [ptype], [qty], [rate], [uniqno]) VALUES (N'A001', N'P002', CAST(0x75350B00 AS Date), N'16:10:25', CAST(1237 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'S', 100, CAST(130.25 AS Numeric(18, 2)), 9)

    INSERT [dbo].[Stock] ([clientcode], [productid], [pdate], [ptime], [pno], [ptype], [qty], [rate], [uniqno]) VALUES (N'A002', N'P002', CAST(0x76350B00 AS Date), N'10:12:52', CAST(1233 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'B', 100, CAST(190.25 AS Numeric(18, 2)), 10)


    Sample Record


    select * from stock ;















    B -- BUY , S-- SELL

    Required Output:


    Clientcode ProductId buydate butqty buyrate sellqty selldate sellrate buyuniqno selluniqno

    A001 P001 2012-03-20 5 115.20 5 2012-03-20 114.35 1 4

    A001 P001 2012-03-20 5 115.20 5 2012-03-20 116.25 1 5

    A001 P001 2012-03-20 10 118.30 10 2012-03-20 116.25 2 5

    A001 P001 2012-03-20 10 118.30 10 2012-03-21 119.35 2 6

    A001 P001 2012-03-21 15 200.30 15 2012-03-21 119.35 3 6

    A001 P001 2012-03-21 15 200.30 3

    A001 P002 100 2012-03-20 130.25 9

    A002 P001 30 2012-03-20 120.25 8

    A002 P002 2012-03-21 50 190.25 50 2012-03-20 200.25 10 7

    A002 P002 2012-03-21 50 190.25 50 10

    validation :

    1. Match the buy/sell record in FIFO basis(The allocation order should be in Client wise/Product wise/Date wise/time/Pno wise)

    Its possible using CTS/Set based query?

    Please help

  • How is SQL Server supposed to know that you have a FIFO business logic in mind.

    Do you have a transactions table where you record the Transactions, quantity sold/bought, Date of Sales/Purchases, Amounts etc.???

    If such a table does exist and is maintained according to the FIFO logic then you can match the records in both tables to get a Result Set which shows the FIFO approach you want.

    If the table does not exist then please do explain what is the logic behind the change that you want to see in the Result Set. The original table has only one field for quantity....How do you know when you sell it or buy it??

    Please elaborate on the Logic.

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

  • This generates the correct results from the given sample data, however I'd be more comfortable with a larger sample:

    ;WITH Buys AS (

    SELECT rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY clientcode, productid ORDER BY pdate, ptime, pno), s.*

    FROM stock s

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT TOP(s.qty) from sys.columns a, sys.columns b) x

    WHERE ptype = 'B'


    Sells AS (

    SELECT rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY clientcode, productid ORDER BY pdate, ptime, pno), s.*

    FROM stock s

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT TOP(s.qty) from sys.columns a, sys.columns b) x

    WHERE ptype = 'S'


    SELECT *

    FROM (




    buydate = b.pdate,

    buyqty = COUNT(b.rn),

    buyrate = b.rate,

    sellqty = COUNT(s.rn),

    selldate = s.pdate,

    sellrate = s.rate,

    buyuniqno = b.uniqno,

    selluniqno = s.uniqno

    FROM Buys b

    LEFT JOIN Sells s

    ON s.clientcode = b.clientcode AND s.productid = b.productid AND s.rn = b.rn















    buydate = NULL,

    buyqty = NULL,

    buyrate = NULL,

    sellqty = s.qty,

    selldate = s.pdate,

    sellrate = s.rate,

    buyuniqno = NULL,

    selluniqno = s.uniqno

    FROM stock s

    WHERE s.ptype = 'S'


    SELECT 1

    FROM stockb

    WHERE b.ptype = 'B'

    AND s.clientcode = b.clientcode

    AND s.productid = b.productid)

    ) d

    ORDER BY clientcode, productid, buyuniqno, ISNULL(selluniqno,9999)

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Nice one Chris!

    I've been tearing out what little hair I have left over this one. I knew a recursive CTE was the way to go but both of my attempts got tied up in knots.

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

    Need to UNPIVOT? Why not CROSS APPLY VALUES instead?[/url]
    Since random numbers are too important to be left to chance, let's generate some![/url]
    Learn to understand recursive CTEs by example.[/url]
    [url url=

  • You most likely want to work off the lot inventory instead off the transactions list because you have to resum all sells to determine what tax lot you're involved with for FIFO financial transactions from the beginning of time. This is primarily because of capital gains taxation.

    What you've described here is merely the trade log, and I'm not sure how you're tracking which lot is sold when, considering you can sell portions of lots and that's not indicated in the SELL component unless I'm misreading it.

    Is this a custom system or are you working off a vendor build? Can you drop a data dictionary on what those column names mean (the pseries and rate) and if you have any subsidiary tables? This is a very painful way to approach the issue unless you allow for historical edits for late trade data, as you'll have to recalculate tax statements constantly without lot associations in the trade log or elsewhere.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

    For better assistance in answering your questions[/url] | Forum Netiquette
    For index/tuning help, follow these directions.[/url] |Tally Tables[/url]

    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • Thanks a lot Chris...:-):-) Superb...:-) i got what i want...:-D

    Can i use this concept for more than 10,00,000 records, any performance issue?

    My actual requirement is allocate the qty in FIFO basis and then store this result in 5 different tables..

    From ur solution i can store the result.

    Surly i will follow on ( from my next post

  • Very nice solution Chris.

    Sorry for my last post. I had missed(not understood, actually) the "B--Buy, S--Sell" part. That is why I was asking for a Transactions Table. My bad.

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

  • Gosh, thanks for the generous comments guys - however, the method fails if the sample data set is expanded to have more sales than buys within a partition. Here's code for extending the data set:

    SELECT *

    FROM (

    SELECT 'A001', 'P001', '2012-03-20', '09:25:19', 1231, 'B', 10, 115.20, 1 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'A001', 'P001', '2012-03-20', '09:30:01', 1232, 'B', 20, 118.30, 2 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'A001', 'P001', '2012-03-21', '10:10:10', 1231, 'B', 30, 200.30, 3 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'A001', 'P001', '2012-03-20', '09:27:19', 1233, 'S', 5, 114.35, 4 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'A001', 'P001', '2012-03-20', '10:10:12', 1234, 'S', 10, 116.25, 5 UNION ALL -- changed row

    SELECT 'A001', 'P001', '2012-03-21', '11:10:20', 1232, 'S', 25, 119.35, 6 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'A001', 'P001', '2012-03-22', '10:10:12', 1234, 'S', 35, 116.25, 11 UNION ALL -- new row

    SELECT 'A001', 'P002', '2012-03-20', '16:10:25', 1237, 'S', 100, 130.25, 9 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'A002', 'P001', '2012-03-20', '15:10:25', 1236, 'S', 30, 120.25, 8 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'A002', 'P002', '2012-03-20', '09:26:20', 1235, 'S', 50, 200.25, 7 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'A002', 'P002', '2012-03-21', '10:12:52', 1233, 'B', 100, 190.25, 10

    ) d (clientcode, productid, pdate, ptime, pno, ptype, qty, rate, uniqno)

    Here's a tweaked query to fix:

    ;WITH Buys AS (

    SELECT rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY clientcode, productid ORDER BY pdate, ptime, pno), s.*

    FROM stock s

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT TOP(s.qty) from sys.columns a, sys.columns b) x

    WHERE ptype = 'B'


    Sells AS (

    SELECT rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY clientcode, productid ORDER BY pdate, ptime, pno), s.*

    FROM stock s

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT TOP(s.qty) from sys.columns a, sys.columns b) x

    WHERE ptype = 'S'



    clientcode= ISNULL(b.clientcode,s.clientcode),

    productid= ISNULL(b.productid,S.productid),

    buydate= b.pdate,

    buyqty= COUNT(b.rn),

    buyrate= b.rate,

    sellqty= COUNT(s.rn),

    selldate= s.pdate,

    sellrate= s.rate,

    buyuniqno= b.uniqno,

    selluniqno= s.uniqno

    FROM Buys b


    ON s.clientcode = b.clientcode

    AND s.productid = b.productid

    AND s.rn = b.rn
















    Nageswari.J (6/18/2012)


    Can i use this concept for more than 10,00,000 records, any performance issue?...

    The performance of this query is likely to be poor, I wouldn't like to guess how long it would take

    to process 5 million rows.

    I'd suggest that instead of using CTE's as in the code, create #temp tables using the same logic,

    and create a unique clustered index on clientcode, productid and rn.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Hi Chris

    Yeah u r correct, I also face the same problem when i checked.. I thought to ask to u. before itself u answered... Thanks once again...

    my tesing process is going on... now i tested in 50000 records only... Its ok.

    Thanks once again for ur reply..

  • Nageswari.J (6/20/2012)

    Hi Chris

    Yeah u r correct, I also face the same problem when i checked.. I thought to ask to u. before itself u answered... Thanks once again...

    my tesing process is going on... now i tested in 50000 records only... Its ok.

    Thanks once again for ur reply..

    Anytime. Let us know how you get on.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • This is a great solution but my problem is something different.

    I want to skip records where the date of sale is lesser than the date of purchase.

    That is any short sell ( selling without the stock in hand ( needs to be ignored.)

    Please help.

  • b ghanekar (4/12/2016)

    This is a great solution but my problem is something different.

    I want to skip records where the date of sale is lesser than the date of purchase.

    That is any short sell ( selling without the stock in hand ( needs to be ignored.)

    Please help.

    Sure. Run through the posts on this thread and you will find that the original poster provided an easily-consumable set of data for folks to code against, and a table of expected results from that data. Can you do the same please?

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Yes sir I created a subset of the data as follows.

    INSERT [dbo].[Stock] ([clientcode], [productid], [pdate], [ptime], [pno], [ptype], [qty], [rate], [uniqno]) VALUES (N'A001', N'P001', 'JAN 1 2010', N'09:25:19', CAST(1231 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'S', 10, CAST(120.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)), 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[Stock] ([clientcode], [productid], [pdate], [ptime], [pno], [ptype], [qty], [rate], [uniqno]) VALUES (N'A001', N'P001', CAST(0x75350B00 AS Date), N'09:25:19', CAST(1231 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'B', 10, CAST(115.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)), 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[Stock] ([clientcode], [productid], [pdate], [ptime], [pno], [ptype], [qty], [rate], [uniqno]) VALUES (N'A001', N'P001', CAST(0x75350B00 AS Date), N'09:30:01', CAST(1232 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'B', 20, CAST(118.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)), 2)

    INSERT [dbo].[Stock] ([clientcode], [productid], [pdate], [ptime], [pno], [ptype], [qty], [rate], [uniqno]) VALUES (N'A001', N'P001', CAST(0x76350B00 AS Date), N'10:10:10', CAST(1231 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'B', 30, CAST(200.30 AS Numeric(18, 2)), 3)

    INSERT [dbo].[Stock] ([clientcode], [productid], [pdate], [ptime], [pno], [ptype], [qty], [rate], [uniqno]) VALUES (N'A001', N'P001', CAST(0x75350B00 AS Date), N'09:27:19', CAST(1233 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'S', 5, CAST(114.35 AS Numeric(18, 2)), 4)

    INSERT [dbo].[Stock] ([clientcode], [productid], [pdate], [ptime], [pno], [ptype], [qty], [rate], [uniqno]) VALUES (N'A001', N'P001', CAST(0x75350B00 AS Date), N'10:10:12', CAST(1234 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'S', 15, CAST(116.25 AS Numeric(18, 2)), 5)

    INSERT [dbo].[Stock] ([clientcode], [productid], [pdate], [ptime], [pno], [ptype], [qty], [rate], [uniqno]) VALUES (N'A001', N'P001', CAST(0x76350B00 AS Date), N'11:10:20', CAST(1232 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'S', 25, CAST(119.35 AS Numeric(18, 2)), 6)

    INSERT [dbo].[Stock] ([clientcode], [productid], [pdate], [ptime], [pno], [ptype], [qty], [rate], [uniqno]) VALUES (N'A002', N'P002', CAST(0x75350B00 AS Date), N'09:26:20', CAST(1235 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'S', 50, CAST(200.25 AS Numeric(18, 2)), 7)

    INSERT [dbo].[Stock] ([clientcode], [productid], [pdate], [ptime], [pno], [ptype], [qty], [rate], [uniqno]) VALUES (N'A002', N'P001', CAST(0x75350B00 AS Date), N'15:10:25', CAST(1236 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'S', 30, CAST(120.25 AS Numeric(18, 2)), 8)

    INSERT [dbo].[Stock] ([clientcode], [productid], [pdate], [ptime], [pno], [ptype], [qty], [rate], [uniqno]) VALUES (N'A001', N'P002', CAST(0x75350B00 AS Date), N'16:10:25', CAST(1237 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'S', 100, CAST(130.25 AS Numeric(18, 2)), 9)

    INSERT [dbo].[Stock] ([clientcode], [productid], [pdate], [ptime], [pno], [ptype], [qty], [rate], [uniqno]) VALUES (N'A002', N'P002', CAST(0x76350B00 AS Date), N'10:12:52', CAST(1233 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'B', 100, CAST(190.25 AS Numeric(18, 2)), 10)

    Please note the first record

    INSERT [dbo].[Stock] ([clientcode], [productid], [pdate], [ptime], [pno], [ptype], [qty], [rate], [uniqno]) VALUES (N'A001', N'P001', 'JAN 1 2010', N'09:25:19', CAST(1231 AS Numeric(18, 0)), N'S', 10, CAST(120.20 AS Numeric(18, 2)), 1)

    This is a sale record for which there is no preceding "Buy". In such a case I want to ignore the "Sale" record from Fifo calculation.

    The solution provided gives output like below.


    A001 P001 2012-03-20 10 115.20 10 2010-01-01120.20 1 1

    A001 P001 2012-03-20 5 118.30 5 2012-03-20114.35 2 4

    A001 P001 2012-03-20 15 118.30 15 2012-03-20116.25 2 5

    A001 P001 2012-03-21 25 200.30 25 2012-03-21119.35 3 6

    A001 P001 2012-03-21 5 200.30 0 NULL NULL 3 NULL

    A001 P002 NULL 0 NULL 100 2012-03-20130.25 NULL 9

    A002 P001 NULL 0 NULL 30 2012-03-20120.25 NULL 8

    A002 P002 2012-03-21 50 190.25 50 2012-03-20200.25 10 7

    A002 P002 2012-03-21 50 190.25 0 NULLNULL 10NULL

    I do not want the system to consider the sale record for "JAN 1 2010" since there is no Buy before that day. I want to ignore all "Short Sale" transactions from the calculation

    Thanks in advance.

  • FYI... The FIFO problem was the subject of an SSC competition some years ago. Many interesting techniques to take into consideration: The ‘FIFO Stock Inventory’ SQL Problem

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • Hi Folks I did try the routines but am stuck here

    I have split data is 2 tables for ease one for Buy and another for Sale

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[BuyData](

    [Party_Code] [varchar](10) NULL,

    [Item] [varchar](20) NULL,

    [TradeDate] [smalldatetime] NULL,

    [PurchaseQty] [int] NULL,

    [Tsrno] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL

    ) ON [Primary]

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SaleData](

    [SrNo] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [Party_Code] [varchar](10) NULL,

    [Item] [varchar](15) NULL,

    [TradeDate] [smalldatetime] NULL,

    [SellQty] [int] NULL,

    [Dummy1] [varchar](1) NULL

    ) ON [Primary]

    Insert into Buydata (Party_Code,Item,TradeDate,PurchaseQty) Values('M33945','A01022','2011-06-16 00:00:00',5)

    Insert into Buydata (Party_Code,Item,TradeDate,PurchaseQty) Values('M33945','A01022','2011-06-20 00:00:00',5)

    Insert into Buydata (Party_Code,Item,TradeDate,PurchaseQty) Values('M33945','A01022','2011-06-22 00:00:00',5)

    Insert into saledata (Party_Code,Item,TradeDate,SellQty,Dummy1) Values('M33945','A01022','2011-06-17 00:00:00',5,'Y')

    Insert into saledata (Party_Code,Item,TradeDate,SellQty,Dummy1) Values('M33945','A01022','2011-06-18 00:00:00',1,'Y')

    Insert into saledata (Party_Code,Item,TradeDate,SellQty,Dummy1) Values('M33945','A01022','2013-01-30 00:00:00',5,'Y')

    ;WITH Buys AS (

    SELECT rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Party_code, Item ORDER BY TradeDate), s.*

    FROM Buydata s

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT TOP(s.PurchaseQty) from sys.columns a, sys.columns b) x

    WHERE PurchaseQty > 0

    And Party_code = 'M33945' and Item = 'A01022'


    Sells AS (

    SELECT rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Party_code, Item ORDER BY TradeDate), s.*

    FROM SaleData s

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT TOP(s.SellQty) from sys.columns a, sys.columns b) x

    WHERE SellQty > 0

    And Party_code = 'M33945' and Item = 'A01022'

    And TradeDate >= (select Top 1 TradeDate from Buys where S.item = buys.item and s.Party_code = Buys.Party_code and S.TradeDate >= Buys.TradeDate)



    Party_code= ISNULL(b.Party_code,s.Party_code),

    Item= ISNULL(b.Item,S.Item),

    TradeDate= Cast(Isnull(b.TradeDate,'DEC 31 2049')As Datetime),

    PurchaseQty= COUNT(b.rn),

    SaleQty= COUNT(s.rn),

    SaleTradedate= Isnull(s.TradeDate,'DEC 31 2049')

    FROM Buys b

    Full Outer JOIN

    Sells s


    s.Party_code = b.Party_code

    AND s.Item = b.item

    And S.Rn = B.Rn

    And S.TradeDate >= (select Top 1 TradeDate from Buys where S.Item = buys.Item and s.Party_code = Buys.Party_code and S.TradeDate >= Buys.TradeDate)











    B.TradeDate ,



    Gives Me below output

    Party_code Item TradeDate PurchaseQty SaleQty SaleTradedate

    ---------- -------------------- ----------------------- ----------- ----------- -----------------------

    M33945 A01022 2011-06-16 00:00:00.000 5 5 2011-06-17 00:00:00

    M33945 A01022 2011-06-20 00:00:00.000 1 1 2011-06-18 00:00:00

    M33945 A01022 2011-06-20 00:00:00.000 4 4 2013-01-30 00:00:00

    M33945 A01022 2011-06-22 00:00:00.000 1 1 2013-01-30 00:00:00

    M33945 A01022 2011-06-22 00:00:00.000 4 0 2049-12-31 00:00:00

    While I want output as

    Party_code Item TradeDate PurchaseQty SaleQty SaleTradedate

    ---------- -------------------- ----------------------- ----------- ----------- -----------------------

    M33945 A01022 2011-06-16 00:00:00.000 5 5 2011-06-17 00:00:00

    M33945 A01022 2011-06-20 00:00:00.000 5 5 2013-01-30 00:00:00

    M33945 A01022 2011-06-20 00:00:00.000 5 0 2049-12-31 00:00:00

    The programme should ignore Sale transaction of 2011-06-18 because on this date because there is no

    previous purchased stock available for sale.

    I want to ignore all sale transaction where there is no purchase quantity left.

    Please help

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