Kerberos on SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services Sharepoint integrated

  • Hi.

    I have sharepoint 2010 installed and SQL Server 2012. With SQL 2012, if using reporting services in sharepoint integrated mode there is no longer a Reporting Services Service, instead it is fully integrated into sharepoint.

    This unfortunately leaves me with no idea how to enable kerberos for reporting services when using SSRS 2012 in Sharepoint integrated mode.

    Any info i can find is for SSRS 2008 and Sharepont, not SSRS 2012 and sharepont.

    Can anyone advise what needs to be done here to ensure im using kerberos?

  • I was confused about this initially, until I realized that SSRS is running as a SharePoint Service. I am not sure of the recommended way to set things up, but I used the 'farm' account as the service account for the application pool that runs the SSRS service. This account already has a bunch of DB roles (probably more than needed for SSRS), and the service principal and Kerberos delegation was already set up during the SharePoint install/configure. If anyone has recommendations for best practice or the correct way to configure it, I would be interested...

  • Here is the whitepaper for all the different SharePoint BI components...

  • thanks guys. apologies for not closing off this thread.

    Thanks Joshusha, that white paper is indeed very useful.

    FYI, if installing sql 2012 components (SSRS, Powerpivot) the steps are a bit different

    SSRS 2012:

    Powerpivot & excel services:

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