take input and execute the task

  • Hi All,

    I am trying to automate logshipping failover process using powershell.

    I can do a last tail log backup on primary and disable the backup job.

    the last tail log will be name like -- db_name_OriginalPrimarytail_yyyymmdd.trn

    Only thing I am stuck is on

    How can I check if all the logs are being restored on the secondary and if they are not then run the copy and load job on secondary using powershell ?

    I am fine with bringing the secondary databases online.

    And then how can I have the script to accept an input e.g failback Y or N and then do the failback process ?

    I know the failback process.

    Appreciate your help 🙂

    HTH !
    MCTS : 2005, 2008
    Active SQL Server Community Contributor 🙂

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