Multiple Parameters..

  • Hi All,

    When I select multiple values for a parameter and click view report, its taking only the first value of the parameter. where is the Issue?

    Thanks .

  • The query you are passing the multiple parameters to has to be set up to use multiple inputs.

    At the very least you need something like this in your query.

    WHERE YourColumn IN (@MultiValueParameter)

    A lot of people, including me, build a function to take multi value inputs and split them properly. You should be able to find some blogs and/or articles on a function to do this.

  • Hi,

    First use a function, then set this code in your sprocs where clause

    where columnname in (SELECT Value from function(@MultiVal,',',1))

    Then you need to the input in the main datasets parameters."NOT" from the main meny, in the dataset!

    Name @param Value =Join(Parameters!BankID.Value,",")

    hope this helps

  • Sorry guys..the issue was mainly with the query that was returning values for parameter.

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